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Gameplay and rules?


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Old September 9th, 2010, 15:54   #1
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Gameplay and rules?

Hi so i live in the GTA and occasionally paintball with a couple of cousins and friends. While researching milsim and airsoft i asked alot of paintball managers from various companies like Defcon paintball. I asked one of the guys that worked there pretty old guy about airsoft and whats it like and if it was good idea to invest in the sport. He told me straight up that while playing airsoft he does a lot of snap shooting just like in paintball. is it true that if u hit the guy once from a snap shot it doesnt count? like how many times do you have to hit the guy? And if the snap shot really doesnt count then how do you know you got them hit or wouldnt be just fair to 1 hit and ur out kinda deal?
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Old September 9th, 2010, 15:58   #2
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Best way to kno wthis game is go out and play with some reputable guys, there is a lot of Games happening in the GTA area, respect the rules set by the Host and you will have no issue. The best place to learn what intense Airsoft play go to TTAC and contact Brian M, he will lead you to some quality games and people who don't tolerate bullshit and teh same people can get you squared away with loaners that actually work and then you can find out firsthand what airsoft is all about.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 16:59   #3
aka coachster
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What's a 'snap shot' in airsoft?

In airsoft, if you hit someone you hit someone. They are out. But, in the event they didn't feel it, you shoot them again until they call out.

We play by the honour system. You think you got hit, you call yourself out. Many players have called themselves out even if no one shot at them because they just thought someone did.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 18:56   #4
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
What's a 'snap shot' in airsoft?

In airsoft, if you hit someone you hit someone. They are out. But, in the event they didn't feel it, you shoot them again until they call out.

We play by the honour system. You think you got hit, you call yourself out. Many players have called themselves out even if no one shot at them because they just thought someone did.
Done this..

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Old September 9th, 2010, 19:33   #5
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a hit is a hit. by snap shot I'm guessing that you mean a quick reaction shot without really aiming (as in point shooting)...that's ok, they count too.

lots of places to play in the GTA...troll the games sections...look up where each place is.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 20:12   #6
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
Hi so i live in the GTA and occasionally paintball with a couple of cousins and friends. While researching milsim and airsoft i asked alot of paintball managers from various companies like Defcon paintball. I asked one of the guys that worked there pretty old guy about airsoft and whats it like and if it was good idea to invest in the sport. He told me straight up that while playing airsoft he does a lot of snap shooting just like in paintball. is it true that if u hit the guy once from a snap shot it doesnt count? like how many times do you have to hit the guy? And if the snap shot really doesnt count then how do you know you got them hit or wouldnt be just fair to 1 hit and ur out kinda deal?
some people just don't play by the rules. I play in a CQB field and there's this really fat guy who's always there when I play. He has all this expensive gears and brags about spending about 1 grand on his gears and he has shitty plastic cansoft guns, which I don't get. One time when I was playing and he was there on the opposite team, I caught him sneaking behind us, so I shot him couple of times and he said nothing was coming out of my gun, right when he said that I shot him in the chest (it pissed me off) then after I shot him I told him "there see that? your out". His like a a big fat guy who walks and talk like he's 12, so every time I play with him I make sure I aim at the neck where it really hurts and legs. Oh ya, he always pull last stand on my friends. THERE'S NO EFF'N "LAST STAND" IN CQB. There's my story, so if you wanna make sure they'll call their hits, shoot em where it hurts (neck, arm and legs) just not by their dinks because that's dirty.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 20:44   #7
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Honour system

Originally Posted by cjboi View Post
some people just don't play by the rules. I play in a CQB field and there's this really fat guy who's always there when I play. He has all this expensive gears and brags about spending about 1 grand on his gears and he has shitty plastic cansoft guns, which I don't get. One time when I was playing and he was there on the opposite team, I caught him sneaking behind us, so I shot him couple of times and he said nothing was coming out of my gun, right when he said that I shot him in the chest (it pissed me off) then after I shot him I told him "there see that? your out". His like a a big fat guy who walks and talk like he's 12, so every time I play with him I make sure I aim at the neck where it really hurts and legs. Oh ya, he always pull last stand on my friends. THERE'S NO EFF'N "LAST STAND" IN CQB. There's my story, so if you wanna make sure they'll call their hits, shoot em where it hurts (neck, arm and legs) just not by their dinks because that's dirty.
Some folks don't really understand the whole concept of "honour" and thats unfortunate. I See your point that a mark on the neck is a good replacement for the honour system.
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Old September 9th, 2010, 21:05   #8
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so how some how shooting them in the goggles, would they now comply?
say that if the lens dont some how break for the shot
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Old September 9th, 2010, 21:57   #9
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
so how some how shooting them in the goggles, would they now comply?
say that if the lens dont some how break for the shot
Hunh? Speak english?

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Old September 10th, 2010, 00:02   #10
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
so how some how shooting them in the goggles, would they now comply?
say that if the lens dont some how break for the shot
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Old September 10th, 2010, 00:35   #11
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I'm guessing you play a lot of stock or open class? Never really heard too much about snap shooting coming from many players who use auto guns.

Anyways, a hit is a hit and like wildcard says the best way is to rent for a day and play to get the rules.

Basically an explanation of airsoft is think milsim woodsball except with 6mm BB's that are non marking and gameplay being a lot more team based and tactical (assuming you're playing a milsim game with ammo caps).

NOTE: That you can get some games where people basically have 300 round mags which are like "hoppers" (usually called High-Capacity or Hi-Cap mags) and it kind of ends up turning into "speedball" but for the most part the games are skirmish-like with generally realistic mag ammo count. Some players will use real cap mags which are equivalent in capacity to real steel mag capacity, some may use low-caps (generally 60-80 rounds) and some will use mid-caps (generally ~120 rounds). I personally detest mid-caps since they're almost close to hi-caps and it's basically like having a hopper (that you don't have to wind unlike hi-caps) and will instead choose real and low-caps.

Also, just a warning hi-caps will rattle like maracas so they're not advised and in a lot of cases banned in a lot of milsim games.

PS: I'm giving you a detailed response because the question posed was a smart question and asked using at least a resemblance of proper grammar (I'm not an English major or anything I just like readable text with separated thoughts).
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Old September 10th, 2010, 00:55   #12
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
so how some how shooting them in the goggles, would they now comply?
say that if the lens dont some how break for the shot
I'm guessing something about shooting someone right between the eyes. and seeing if they called hit, if it doesn't break the lenses on the goggles...

Personally i'd lose my shit if someone intentionally aimed for my eye.
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Old September 10th, 2010, 05:31   #13
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Take wildcard's advise and get a loaner at one of the games.

But a hit is a hit and you should be out. If you think you got hit call yourself out even if you didn't. This will only help you in the airsoft world as players will know that you are honest.

No matter what you will encounter the "Terminators" of the game that no matter what will not call a hit but you will soon learn these players and learn to deal with them.
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Old September 10th, 2010, 08:32   #14
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It's like nintendo, you have to shoot the enemy until the life bar goes down to zero, and what the fuck is redzaku trying to say?
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Old September 10th, 2010, 08:50   #15
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
It's like nintendo, you have to shoot the enemy until the life bar goes down to zero, and what the fuck is redzaku trying to say?
That's a good way of putting it. LOL. :mrgreen:
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