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KWA Kp45 Tactical or m9


Airsoft Guns Discussion

View Poll Results: Which airsoft pistol
KWA KP45 Tactical 20 71.43%
M9 8 28.57%
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Old June 4th, 2010, 14:18   #1
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KWA Kp45 Tactical or m9

Is the KWA Kp45 Tactical accurate, because I have heard some accuracy issues, also I need to decided between the KWA Kp45 Tactical or the KJW M9 from airsoftgi. I have not had much reviews of the KP45, but I hope they are very similary pistols in terms of durability/reliability/range/accuracy/etc.. as for fps for the KP45 may be slightly higher and it does include a decocker. Thanks.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 14:23   #2
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Two things: are you residing in Canada? And have you owned/used GBB pistols before?
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Old June 4th, 2010, 14:24   #3
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Nope I haven't owned a GBB before.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 19:37   #4
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I believe the only M9 airsoft with a working decocker is the KWA PTP M9. Though I could be wrong. Either way, AirsoftGI in the states can not ship guns past the boarder if you are purchasing from Canada.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 20:32   #5
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Old June 5th, 2010, 06:15   #6
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Originally Posted by gera229 View Post
Nope I haven't owned a GBB before.
Cool. Basically, you'll love whatever you get first - you might just realize that it isn't as good as some of the other gas blowback pistols out there after you've purchased yours. Each comes with its (or is it "it's", I can never remember) own quirks - the KWA has very nice plastic for the frame and comes with a working decocker/safety lever (nice touch, I used mine extensively when I still had a USP); the KJW M9 is full metal and is... well, an M9 (that could be good or bad - it really depends on if you like the look or are going for an impression; personally, I think an M9 is an ugly mofo).

KWA's NS2 system is inherently better on gas - both in terms of efficiency (kick and muzzle velocity, if I recall correctly) and in terms of consumption (lots and lots of shots per gas charge, even with a metal slide). KJW's M9 has a few more replacement/aftermarket parts out there than the KWA series (USP especially) does, including-but-not-limited-to threaded barrels, long mags, easily-found replacement springs (those damn trigger bar springs love to run away on their own will).

I honestly think that the KWA is a tad bit more reliable in the long run (just the way that they're engineered combined with the materials that are used), but I can't quantify that judgment at all. I think that you can probably get away with less maintenance on the KWA USP than with the KJW M9 for a longer period of time and still expect good results, time after time. Do note that KJW magazines tend to develop leaks very early on. If you settle on the KJW M9, make sure to leave gas in your mags when you're done shooting. Generally, pressing the output valve to release gas is a bad practice as it can destroy your seals... I'm not going to get into the details on this one because I never have had this happen to me as I've never dumped gas like that.

I've owned versions of both, and have sold/am trying to sell both. Neither was exactly what i was looking for - KWA USP was beautiful (thank god for HK), yes, but had a tinted "Canadian-legal" frame. I was surprised to find that the grip size was ridiculously wide - not something that I'd rack up as a negative on the USP (this was to be expected), but it made getting a consistent grip a little annoying. Let's face it - I have small asian hands that favour a 1911. Hop up/accuracy wasn't QUITE where I wanted it to be, but I couldn't do anything about it as there are basically no aftermarket KSC/KWA parts out on the market. Even though gas usage was awesome, mags were quite a bit more expensive as compared to TM mags. As to the KJW M9? Grip is... round. Sights are difficult to use (in my opinion, at least). And it just didn't sound good/feel when shooting... I can't quite put my finger on what exactly it is.

Uhhh... that turned into something of a rant. A rant of someone who might not be as experienced in these things as some of the old timers? Maybe, maybe not. If you actually read this far, kudos. Good luck with your hunt for your first GBB, gera. You'll have a blast, either way.

Edit: Oh, and the KWA KP45 Tactical has adjustable sights/ambi safety-decocker lever, in addition to the threaded barrel, right? Neat-o! That's what I'm voting for, lol.

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
FYI User is American.
Thank you, T7.

Last edited by juicy; June 5th, 2010 at 06:20..
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Old June 5th, 2010, 11:01   #7
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Thumbs down

WA (Western arms aka the airsoft gods) made the first m9 with a functional decocker almost 10 years ago now. (mgc mayYYY have made one, I can't find it)

I'm getting reallllly sick of these threads. Toyko maybe its about time you & your people (more likely your people since you're always busy babysitting this board) made a thread about all these cansoft kwa/kjw/other brands.....

I refuse to even touch those things. Otherwise I'd do it myself.


*edit, if your from the states go on gas gun forums or uhhh community airsoft forums. They sell very highend western arms & tm's for very reasonable prices.

I personally recommend a TM glock 17 to anyone as their first airsoft gun. It wont fail, simple as that.

Originally Posted by HeadlessChicken View Post
I believe the only M9 airsoft with a working decocker is the KWA PTP M9. Though I could be wrong. Either way, AirsoftGI in the states can not ship guns past the boarder if you are purchasing from Canada.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die

Last edited by hattrick; June 5th, 2010 at 11:11..
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Old June 5th, 2010, 13:54   #8
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That has been helpful, I own a none blowback CO2 airsoft pistol bought for about 50 dollars(Had it for a couple of months and it hasn't failed on me), I just want these higher end ones to perform better since I spend more.

Between a glock 17 and glock 19 what is the difference? Which one of those would be recommended more and why?

What are their total ranges? What are their accuracy ranges? Thanks.
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Old June 5th, 2010, 14:02   #9
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The KWA would be a much better choice over the KJ M9's
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Old June 5th, 2010, 19:28   #10
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The glock 19 is only made by kwa/ksc, I would NOT recommend it. (others would) The glock 17 is made by ksc/kwa as well as TM (yeah kjw makes one its pretty bad)

Again I would advise against the ksc (take into account everyone this is his FIRST gbb)

The TM glock 17 takes care of itself. Throw on a metal slide and you're good to go for many years (mines 4 years old now)

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old June 5th, 2010, 23:23   #11
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Originally Posted by gera229 View Post
Between a glock 17 and glock 19 what is the difference? Which one of those would be recommended more and why?
17 = full size Glock. 19 = sort of compact. Tokyo Marui doesn't make a Glock 19 (they do make a 26, though). AFAIK, KJW makes a 23 and a 32C (same size as the 19, just the model number is for RS Glocks chambered in a different round). I'd advise you to stick with TM as versus KJW - TM mags are by far superior, and replacement/upgrade parts are made to fit TM specs.

Originally Posted by gera229 View Post
What are their total ranges? What are their accuracy ranges? Thanks.
Range depends on muzzle velocity and weight of BB used (higher FPS can be achieved with heavier - usually metal - slides) In terms of accuracy (including the TM Glock 17): TM Glock 17 > KWA USP > KJW M9. TM's have the best accuracy, hands down. Because the mags of a Glock or USP are so large, you basically won't have any cool down effects with your first full magazine of BB's (cool down in this sense means less FPS, which translates to less range and less consistent accuracy). Hope that helped?
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Old June 5th, 2010, 23:32   #12
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Now I like the KP8 looks better, but if you suggest a TM glock 17 and the metal slide modification, I will be happy to get one if you let me know where I can order one and the total price. Otherwise I don't think I would go wrong with a used kp8.
Also for the glock does it have any metal at all? Thanks.
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Old June 6th, 2010, 00:06   #13
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Originally Posted by gera229 View Post
Now I like the KP8 looks better, but if you suggest a TM glock 17 and the metal slide modification, I will be happy to get one if you let me know where I can order one and the total price. Otherwise I don't think I would go wrong with a used kp8.
Also for the glock does it have any metal at all? Thanks.
Metal slide for the TM Glock 17 is totally not necessary (though adds more felt recoil, higher fps, more "clink", more realism - at the cost of the slide and having one installed). Metal where it counts (most of the metal content is in the internals). TM plastics are surprisingly durable - I highly doubt you'll ever experience your slide breaking when shooting with propane with a stock TM plastic slide.

As to where you can order one? I have no clue - laws in Canada are a little different in terms of ordering/importing airsoft guns (short answer - we can't), and thus I haven't had experience with online/brick-and-mortar stores before.

Used KP8 (I presume that it is a NS2 KWA, correct?) will likely need a shit ton of cleaning as most people don't know how to completely clean/maintain a GBB. I have to agree with you on the aesthetics part - a USP.45 looks waaaaay better than any Glock, IMO.

Edit: just read an earlier post of gera's saying that he owns a NBB. Depending on the make/model, some of those can be really awesome performers that last for years. Since there are less moving parts, reliability tends to be higher. Since there are less moving parts, everything usually fits tighter resulting in higher accuracy. NBB's do tend to shoot a little hot, and are (IMO) not as fun, but hell - why replace something if it isn't broken? Just putting that thought out there...

Last edited by juicy; June 6th, 2010 at 00:13..
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Old June 6th, 2010, 00:10   #14
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Originally Posted by hattrick View Post
Again I would advise against the ksc (take into account everyone this is his FIRST gbb)
I beg to differ. I know of a small fleet of stock KSC Glock 17's that aren't really kept in awesome shape (cleaning to the point of a field strip, only), yet have lasted somewhere around 3 years and counting still. Maintenance is performed by owners who probably don't know much about airsoft or about general gun maintenance in the first place. With the exception of KSC plastic slides breaking when drawn under stress (these Glocks are used for personal defence training, thus see a lot of usage) from RS CQC Serpa's, and a few lost rear sights, very little seems to have gone wrong with them.

That being said, if something does break, it's a bitch to find the parts to fix one.
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Old June 6th, 2010, 00:26   #15
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Originally Posted by hattrick View Post
WA (Western arms aka the airsoft gods) made the first m9 with a functional decocker almost 10 years ago now. (mgc mayYYY have made one, I can't find it)

I'm getting reallllly sick of these threads. Toyko maybe its about time you & your people (more likely your people since you're always busy babysitting this board) made a thread about all these cansoft kwa/kjw/other brands.....

I refuse to even touch those things. Otherwise I'd do it myself.

WA's are totally awesome - they feel good, look good, and perform good. Seems like the OP likes the USP more anyway, so I'm thinking M9's might not be an issue of concern.

If you're so sick of these threads, why are you reading them? Suck it up and read T7's reply - the OP is NOT from Canada, thus no Cansoft for gero. KWA and KJW are relatively easy to acquire in the States, no? Therefore, that's no big surprise that those two are being asked about here?

Originally Posted by hattrick View Post
I personally recommend a TM glock 17 to anyone as their first airsoft gun. It wont fail, simple as that.
Not entirely true - I got a LNIB TM Glock 17 myself with something under 100 shots fired through it... trigger bar bent about two mags later, meaning that the slide would get stuck and everything would be locked up. Completely un-gameable condition for weeks. Happens on only a few TM Glocks, but there is a Guarder part that fits/functions perfectly and is relatively easy to install. I haven't seen this yet - but the plastic mag catch that TM provides could potentially be a failure point? In other words, I wouldn't go as far as to say that "it won't fail, simple as that", as it isn't actually that simple.

Sorry, I hope you don't take that personally, I'm just sort of trying to state this to the OP: no GBB make or model is perfect. Each has it's own strengths and weaknesses (some more than others); the better ones tend to be more expensive (thus is airsoft, eh?). Going with something that has lots of replacement/aftermarket parts makes getting an awesome GBB easier than something that doesn't have very many aftermarket parts. Makes - and models too - that are inherently better in some aspects (TM vs KSC hop up design: H-hop vs ball bearing, H-hop being better just because of the design) should be thought about carefully (TM vs KSC finish: TM plastics tend to be more durable, but also tend to look/feel more toyish) before you make a choice... then again, you could just go try out a whole wackload of guns and see if you like any of them. Ooooh, an excuse to go to a game - I like! (Except for my feet... they don't like this, since they're already complaining after day 1 of a double-header weekend, lol)
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