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Good Starter Gun


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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:25   #1
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Good Starter Gun

Everyone on airsoft canada, i'm looking for a good starter gun, but can't decide. Right now, I'm thinking of the kraken ak47 as I have heard good things about it. I'm also looking into the crosman r76 ak74 (I can buy it locally, and thats preferable). I also like the p90, and I saw one in Gorilla Surplus in vancouver for $135.

What do you guys think?
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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:27   #2
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Important: The newbie tank is for questions like these, please use it to avoid flames. -Ninja admin'd

The Kraken is the only mentionable gun in your list, barely. It will require a substantial overhaul to be on par with the guns used on the field.

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Last edited by surebet; January 9th, 2009 at 00:36..
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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:31   #3
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I don't really have much to work with over $200. Sorry about placing this question in the wrong area, I'm new to airsoft canada.
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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:35   #4
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I'd save up, even if you get a kraken that blows your 200 right there, then there is still eye protection, batteries, mags, gear... bare bones minimum to start is 500$, age verification (to be able to find the deals to fit the 500$) and patience.

EDIT: and that's excluding the 100$+ to get the gun to field worthy status...
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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:36   #5
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Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post
I don't really have much to work with over $200. Sorry about placing this question in the wrong area, I'm new to airsoft canada.
You didn't put it in the wrong area. Surebet was warning us other ASCers .

And $200 isn't going to get you a gun worth buying. Even if you could get one for just under that, batteries and a good charger will cost another $75-100, plus BB's and ammo magazines, and any other gear.

The accepted number to get into airsoft used to be $1,000, but you can probably do it now for around $500.

To give you a cost breakdown:
A gun worth buying: $250-$350
A good battery: $35-$55
A good charger: $60-$100
Magazines: $15-$35 each, depending on model
Goggles/glasses: $35+
A game's worth of BB's: $15-$25, depending on play style.

That's the minimum gear there.

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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:37   #6
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
You didn't put it in the wrong area. Surebet was warning us other ASCers .
No I wasn't...

Oh, right, I was...

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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:39   #7
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Well, actually i found a site that sells the kraken for $160. The r76 has a metal gearbox and is apparently tm compatible. And that p90 I saw in gorilla surplus... no idea. anyone know?
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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:41   #8
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Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post
Well, actually i found a site that sells the kraken for $160. The r76 has a metal gearbox and is apparently tm compatible. And that p90 I saw in gorilla surplus... no idea. anyone know?
Ok, we're telling you now:
The R76 and the P90 you saw are both pieces of shit. Don't waist your money.

If the Kraken was from a US store, don't bother. By the time shipping, conversion, and other charges are in there, it will be just as or more expensive as getting one in Canada. If not, then expect to drop another $50-$100 on it in parts to get it to a decent, reliable state.

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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:42   #9
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Kraken: add tax, shipping, BAM! over 200$! The add upgrades.
Crossman anything: Crap.
P90: Clear? Probably a WELL, horrible.

The you still have to add the following:
Eye protection (50$)
Mags (40-200)
Batteries (25-200)
Gear (100-1000)

200$ won't cut it, period. There is no way to go around this.
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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:49   #10
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I would not recommend a P90 of any make for a first gun. Mags are tough to find and mag pouches are even tougher. I'd suggest going to a game or two and asking some of the players if you can handle their guns to get a feel for what might work for you. But if you want some kind of definitive answer based on your choices, the Kraken AK is a decent first time gun. Solid gearbox & decent handling. The batteries are usually donkey dung and AK mags are a bit hard to fit into most mag pouches, most of which are made for armalite type mags though there are AK pouches available.
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Old January 9th, 2009, 00:53   #11
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Despite the mag issue, a genuine TM P90 is not a bad starter gun since the box is forgiving, but another gun in V3 might be simpler to use.

Clone P90s are a pest on the world though...
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Old January 9th, 2009, 01:12   #12
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The site I saw the kraken on was canadian ( and I think the
p90 I saw was a well d90, which I know is shitty. But I'm not trying to get into competetive airsoft, just having wars with my cousins and friends with guns that aren't
total pea shooters. I know marui is the best but I don't need one for what I need a gun for.

And does anyone know any Echo1/jg retailers in canada?
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Old January 9th, 2009, 01:13   #13
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Actually, there are a few retailers in the classifieds that stock JG and a few echo, but I guess AV isn't an option here?
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Old January 9th, 2009, 01:16   #14
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not really, any sites?
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Old January 9th, 2009, 01:25   #15
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Sorry, every retailer is in the classifieds.

How far from 18 are you anyway?
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