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Gun Suggestions Anyone?


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Old February 3rd, 2009, 00:10   #1
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Gun Suggestions Anyone?

Hey guys, ima complete n00b to this site , joined up to get some insight from fellow canadians.

Anyway Im looking for an intermediate M4, decent performance/reliability. Preferably with a rail/foregrip. for around 200 beans. Not brand picky. Any help is apprieciated.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 00:15   #2
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Well you will need to be age verified for your own protection. Most good guns cost a bit more than that. You do get what you paid for. Tokyo Marui and Classic Army make quality airsoft models. There are other decent cheaper ones too but you may end up putting a bit of cash into them to bring performance and reliability up to standards.

Last edited by arcanuck; February 3rd, 2009 at 00:19..
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 00:19   #3
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try a ball park figure of 400 ish.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 00:21   #4
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thanks, although i am not too price picky but marui is a little up there. I am not a HARDCORE airsofter so i don't need to be spending 500 beans on one.
but thanks again for the reply!
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 00:27   #5
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Maybe in the future an airsoft pistol would be better? There are some really nice ones and they cost less.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 00:30   #6
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not a bad idea, thanks man
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 00:32   #7
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Head over to Laser Trek to get verified (and maybe play a few rounds) and you'll have access to the classifieds. It will be hard to find a gun for that price but if you make it $350, it should be a bit easier to find a gun, $400 and you're golden for a mid grade.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 00:34   #8
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yeah i can do 350
what what you reccomend?
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 02:36   #9
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Ah you new guys always lowball the price of guns so much lol
It's about 500$ for a good, but used, starter package.
Since your on a budget, Tokyo Marui is your best friend. They're plastic guns, but its good plastic and their internals are REALLY realiable!
Don't go and buy a chinese clone thinking it's all the same stuff, because everyone I know who bought a chinese gun has put atleast half the cost of the gun in upgrades and replacement parts just to get it working half the time and shooting half as well as a TM
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 02:42   #10
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Ah you new guys always lowball the price of guns so much lol
It's about 500$ for a good, but used, starter package.
Since your on a budget, Tokyo Marui is your best friend. They're plastic guns, but its good plastic and their internals are REALLY realiable!
Don't go and buy a chinese clone thinking it's all the same stuff, because everyone I know who bought a chinese gun has put atleast half the cost of the gun in upgrades and replacement parts just to get it working half the time and shooting half as well as a TM

clones are good for side guns. One's you wouldn't use regularly. My CQB is a cyma. My main is a Classic Army.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 07:24   #11
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Hey, I'll give you some price adjustment:

A gun you won't have to drop money in to make it reliable: $450
Battieries: $50-75
A good charger that won't cook above battiers:$50
additional magazines: $40
BB's: $20

Total: $620-$645, and that's conservative. If you want to game, you'll need to add another $150-$200 or so in there for BDUs and some kind of rig to carry your mags.

A $400 Marui isn't "hard core airsoft". "Hard Core" as you use it would be a $900 VFC or $1,200 STAR or $2,000 PTW.

And what ThunderCactus said about cheap guns is quite true -I've seen very few stock clones at games. A few, but not many.

Just thought I would give you a bit of perspective.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."

Last edited by kalnaren; February 3rd, 2009 at 07:28..
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 08:54   #12
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All you people seem bent on lecturing the guy on why he needs more money rather then actually answering his question.

For $200, the best you could manage is Aftermath stuff. Both the Broxa (full stock MP5) and the Kraken (AK47) are decent bargain basement guns, about $160 or so each. Stay away from Aftermath's Kirenex or Knight (both M4 variants) and the Lycaon (collapsible stock MP5) though, not a good rep.

If you're willing to go up to $350 you could get a JG. Yeah JG's are China clones but they're getting quite respectable nowadays. JG's M4 runs about $290. You could even get one of the G&G cansoft (clear receiver) M4's for about $340. G&G is the cheapest of the midgrade guns.

As one person suggested you could also go the GBB (Gas Blow Back) pistol route. Though if you're actually going to be playing rather then just plinking in your basement I wouldn't recomend that. GBB's are great to hold (especially the full metal ones) and great to fire, but like real pistols they don't stand a chance against full auto rifles. If you do decide to go the GBB route then you can get a decent one ranging from $250 to $350, depending on the model and manufacturer.

The middle ground between the two is possibility, and about the only way to get a high end gun at the price you wish to spend. You could go with an SMG. I've seen quite a few Tokyo Marui MP5K's going for between $300 and $350 in the classifieds lately. A tiny little thing yeah and since it's intended for CQB (Close Quarters Battle) the muzzle velocity isn't the greatest but still reliable as all hell. You could get a cheap aftermarket folding stock to put on it to improve control for about $50.

Some people above are saying you need to shell out for batteries and mags and camo and chargers and ammo. Most of that isn't necessary right off the hop. The stock battery will do you for awhile. Most of the guns come with a hicap (high capacity (300-600 rounds)) mag that will also do for awhile. I do agree that a good charger would be a sound initial investment, but not a total requirement, especially if you plan to get a good battery down the road and don't care if the cheap wall charger fries your stock battery. Camo isn't really required in the beginning either, just some dark clothes. Ammo, yeah obviously a requirement but even good ammo (BB Bastard) only costs $10 for two thousand rounds.

So truely, all you really need to start is the gun and a bag or two of ammo.

Would you be better off buying a high end gun like Classic Army or Tokyo Marui? Sure, but if you can't afford $500 to $700 that those would cost or aren't sure that this sport is for you, it's fine to start small.

Hope this has helped some. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.


Last edited by Kuro_Neko; February 3rd, 2009 at 08:59.. Reason: spelling typo
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 09:15   #13
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Originally Posted by Kuro_Neko View Post
All you people seem bent on lecturing the guy on why he needs more money rather then actually answering his question.
His question was "what was a good gun for $200." Everyone told him it doesn't exist.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 09:19   #14
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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Well since my other suggestion got nuked, apparently somebody finds conflicting opinions offensive, but in any case, if you want to spend 200 bucks, you have the option of the Aftermath Broxa or the Kraken. If you want to play CQB, the Broxa is the way to go. It has alot of accesory rails and It's quite small. It's advertised at 400 FPs, but its closer to 365. The Kraken is cheaper, but it doesn't have rails. I just like it because AK-47s are made of win. has the lowest prices on Aftermath guns, with the Kraken at $159 and the Broxa at $179. (am I allowed to say that?)
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 09:30   #15
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
His question was "what was a good gun for $200." Everyone told him it doesn't exist.
Maybe not a good gun, but decent for the price? Sure, the Aftermath Kraken. I didn't see anyone offering any alternate suggestions for his budget, only people telling him he had to spend more. There's a bit of an elitist attitude floating about ASC that if you can't drop at least a thousand dollars on this sport right off the hop then you don't deserve to be here. Not everyone can afford that kind of mass purchase. And there's plenty of people that have put tens of thousands of rounds through Krakens and JG's with no problem. I've got a Kraken myself as a loaner/backup/project gun and I haven't had a single problem with it. Before someone is tempted to say I don't know what a real gun is like, my primary.

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