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Can I buy a AEP in Canada?


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Old December 26th, 2008, 22:06   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Can I buy a AEP in Canada?

Hello All,

I just purchased a cheapie spring pistol, and I'd love to get an electric pistol - is there anything available in Canada?

All the ones I've seen on 007 are replicas so a no-no...

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Old December 26th, 2008, 22:07   #2
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by no-no I mean replica's aren't allowed in Canada (even though I have my RPAL..)
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Old December 26th, 2008, 22:09   #3
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Get age-verified and you'll have access to the 18+ classifieds where they're regularly available.
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Old December 26th, 2008, 22:24   #4
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Replica's are not prohibited, but restricted, that means persons with the right license can legally bring them in.

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Old December 26th, 2008, 22:29   #5
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Originally Posted by Qlong View Post
Replica's are not prohibited, but restricted, that means persons with the right license can legally bring them in.
To add to that, restricted for import only. They're not restricted of prohibited to own.
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Old December 26th, 2008, 23:46   #6
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Originally Posted by pirellip View Post
Hello All,

I just purchased a cheapie spring pistol, and I'd love to get an electric pistol - is there anything available in Canada?

All the ones I've seen on 007 are replicas so a no-no...

If you're 18 or older, yes. Otherwise, no.

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Old December 27th, 2008, 00:08   #7
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some one give him the newbies FAQ post?
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Old December 27th, 2008, 02:15   #8
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Originally Posted by Sergeantmajor View Post
some one give him the newbies FAQ post?
I hate that thing, its a lazy post for people to lazy to give a legitimate answer.

Welcome to ASC pirellip.

There are alot of airsoft guns available in Canada at this time, and aquiring them is very simple as well. There are multiple retailers through out Canada and this site has a buy and sell section is well. If you are interested in accessing some of these retailers and purchasing from this website all you need is go through a process called age verifacation. Age verification is where if you are 18 or older you can meet with a volunteer representative of this website who will meet with you in person, there is no way around this, no phone, no webcam, in person only, where they will require to see a legitimate piece of photo identification. After the process is completed, it can take sometime as this is all volunteer work, you will be granted access to this websites buy and sell section, where you can find both new and used guns, for fair and competitive prices.

As for 007, they are no longer in the regular airsoft business at this time, now a days they sell whats known as Cansoft, or Canadian legal airsoft guns. At one point they did stock a large variety but over time things have moved in different directions in regards to airsoft in Canada. While 007 may not stock those full dark bodied guns anymore, many other retailers do.

For futher reference, its not really illegal to own an airsoft gun, although it is recommended that you do treat it like any other real firearm. Its an amazingly over complicated explanation that I would love to give to you but this laptop is almost out of power and Air Canada lost my bag that had the charger.

I short all I can offer you is this:

It can shed a little bit of light.

Happy New Year.

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Old December 27th, 2008, 11:27   #9
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
I hate that thing, its a lazy post for people to lazy to give a legitimate answer.

I short all I can offer you is this:

It can shed a little bit of light.

Happy New Year.
Thank you TokyoSeven for the answer, reading this link and what you provided, I now have a much better understanding.

I find it very comical that I can go out and purchase in Canada a Beretta Elite that is described as "this air pistol is a great sporting replica of the real Beretta firearm" directly on Canadian retailers description of the air pistol, but I can't easily buy one that shoots 6mm plastic BBs at a lot less energy and has less potential for harm. Ahh Canada, the land of the unusual.

Sounds like I can find some dark colored AEPs on the classified section (yes I'm over 18 and have already contacted an age verification member) so that may be an option, but I'm a PAL holder, a member of a rifle range and am heavily involved in PAL rated air rifle competitions, so I'd rather not rock the boat by having a dark colored AEP.

Based upon the cfc statement:

"Many of these devices need to be assessed case by case. As a general rule, however, those made out of clear plastic and those that are a lot smaller than the real firearm are not prohibited replicas."

So if the AEP is mostly made from clear or brightly colored plastic, and it shoots less than 500fps I should be okay for the most part. I have friends in law enforcement that I shoot with, and typically they say "use your head" an you'll be fine. They have bigger issues to deal with.

SO now I wonder, does a clear or brightly colored AEP exist? My whole point of getting a AEP is to use as an indoor shooter when I don't want to pull out a BB pistol - a 6mm plastic BB is a lot less dangerous than a .177 steel one if there ever was a ricochet. I could go with a AGP, but I'm not a fan of CO2. I had no idea obtaining one would open up such a can of worms!
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Old December 27th, 2008, 11:38   #10
The Saint
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Haven't seen any clear AEPs yet. At least, not pistols. I've seen clear AEP SMGs.

I wouldn't worry too much about rocking the boat, if you keep the rocking to your basement.
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Old December 28th, 2008, 02:21   #11
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It is very unfortunete in regards to how things are in Canada when it comes to airsoft. Unforenetly its a cold reality that every entry level user has to face when initially getting into airsoft. However, soon enough all those regulations and laws will be a thing of the past and nothing but a petty memory once revieve this websites age verifacation.
Pickings may seem slim now, however on this side of the age verified fence the grass is much much greener and there is free lemonade as well.

(Some restrictions may apply, batteries may not be included, lemonade may not be available in all areas.

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Old December 28th, 2008, 02:27   #12
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While the grass may be greener in terms of availability for AV members, the sad part is that we pay through the teeth for guns and metal bodies. A $75 AEP in the US costs $200+ here. It's a sad fact we have to accept because of our laws. But it's the price we pay to get the toys we love.
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