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VFC416 + hurricane stock battery + trademark question


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Old January 24th, 2008, 01:27   #1
Join Date: Jan 2008
VFC416 + hurricane stock battery + trademark question

I'm a relative newb here, and by 'here' I mean to airsoft in general, so bare with me please.
I've been doing a lot of reading, and now have some questions.

I got the VFC 416, and had the Hurricane 417 stock put on it. I was looking for batteries, and found this

My question is regarding the connector type. I read the connector sticky, and it was helpful, but I'm hoping for specific information regarding this specific battery.

It says the battery has the Mini Tamiya (Marui) connector, but when purchasing I need to select the Tamiya female connector. I guess this is because the connector used with the Hurricane stock is different than the default one that comes with the gun.

Whether the company changes the connector for me, I don't know. If not, then what would I need to change the connector?

Also, what is the male equivalent of the Tamiya female for connecting to a charger? I need to know this because that particular site also requests that I select a connector type for the charger as well if the default one does not fit the battery.

While I'm here, what is a good recommendation for a charger to use with that battery, and will a battery like that need discharging?

Lastly, I read around about getting a full HK trademarked gun, and was given the impression that it was hit or miss when going through customs, and reimbursement for the lost gun was probably unlikely based on wherever I ordered it.

I've been browsing around for HK marked parts to replace stuff over time, but I'm uncertain of whether they come with HK marks or not. Why? Well, because every VFC gun I've seen on online shops so far has had full HK marks, but mine was shipped with VFC, so I don't know if I can trust pictures.

I guess I can just contact the companies, but what are some customer experiences?

Does anyone know of ways to upgrade to full HK marks? This isn't an important issue, just cosmetic so there is no urgency.

Last edited by ilkman; January 24th, 2008 at 01:32..
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Old February 21st, 2008, 00:51   #2
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hey off subject however hoping you can answer. I bought a vfc 416 and am waiting for it to show up, while waiting I'm trying to gear up, what mags work with the vfc 416 and which are best metal/plastic winding or bottom crank? I'll be following your post as I'm looking to get the 417 stock as well. All the best with your 416
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Old February 21st, 2008, 01:05   #3
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Im pretty sure M4 mags are compatible with the 416.
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Old February 21st, 2008, 08:14   #4
Join Date: Feb 2008
I ran into the same issue thinking that I would receive HK trades when in reality I received VFC trades. I am currently trying to get in touch with VFC to order a spare metal body but I am not having any luck. If anyone knows a way or can help please let me know.
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Old February 21st, 2008, 09:59   #5
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Well Im just the guy to ask about all this.
I have the Full HK marked VFC HK 416 Super DX, plus about 1,800 USD extra in and on it. I have that exact battery from onlybatterypacks. That battery is IMO the best for that stock, it has such high Mah (4200) that I have only charged it 3 times since September. About the connector back when I orderd it came with a large connector I guess they chanded it to the small tamiya now. Either way they build these battery packs in house so they have no problem adding custom connectors or what ever they can. I had them change mine out with the small tamiya connector to match with my Systema mechbox. So if you have the Orignal VFC gearbox and wires in there then you will need a small (mini Tamiya)connector as well, and need to re-wire the gun to the rear if you havent yet.
As for getting full trademarks like mine on a VFC you have had to have gotten it from Hong Kong, wich cost near $100usd just for shipping and the base HK416 DX itself was 505usd before shipping. And VFC wont email your back if you contact them there site is basicaly just for product veiwing and not comunication. Plus the tradmarks tecnicaly violate the law so VFC would not ship to you. My trademarks had to be covered with special glue/foam and removed once in my hands. Uses all M4 mags except C-Mag's wich you have to hevily modify like mine to fit the HK416's low and flaired mag well. I use the MAG(brand name) Heckler & Koch fully marked mid caps for mine, they work perfect. Anymore questions feel free to ask Ok I gotta head to the Univeristy now, so for give the sloppy post, Im time sensitive atm.
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Old March 1st, 2008, 23:44   #6
Join Date: Jan 2008
I hope I'm not thread necro'ing here. I just noticed that I finally had some replies.

Anyways, I got the battery and it came with the correct connector. It works with my gun super great. I got a charger with it as well. The charger gets quite hot when in use so I'll have to keep an eye on that. Its rated at up to 10.8v and the battery is only 9.6 so who knows. The battery itself actually stayed relatively cool.

I think I'll just leave the trademark issue alone. I don't need it. Maybe on my next gun I'll see what can be done before I order it.

Ha, HK-Guy its kind of ironic to see you post in this thread. It was your original thread here that inspired a few of my part selections, namely the battery and stock.

Don't worry I don't plan on copying your build. I just wanted a stock that could hold the battery that i knew would fit on a VFC 416 because I didn't want to use the cheap plastic rail mount battery case. Incidentally enough my stock was put on and the gun rewired by AEX in Santa Clara CA, which is just a few miles from where I live.

Last edited by ilkman; March 1st, 2008 at 23:47..
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