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Problems/tweaks for KSC G19


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Old April 22nd, 2006, 02:39   #1
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Question Problems/tweaks for KSC G19

Well I finally got my UNC Custom Glock with the metal slide and outer barrel upgrade. Thing is freakin' sweet. I do have a couple questions though, just to make sure my gun is performing as well as it could be (sorry for the large list).

1. The upgrade package from (view it here) says it has a high flow valve installed into the magazine. Anybody have an idea of what the hell kind of high flow valve it actually is (specific one), and if I should install it on extra mags I buy?

2. Just need a simple recommendation for the best tightbore inner barrel there is.

3. The inner barrel wobbles around a lot inside the outer barrel; I've read this is a big problem with G19's. I've also read that a good fix is a larger O-Ring, so can anybody tell me what kind of ring to use/where I can find it/offer possible alternatives to a bigger ring?

4. My gun also has a lot of play between the outer barrel and the slide itself. Same goes for the metal spring rod. When the gun cocks back, the outer barrel and spring rod prop up at a slight angle; is this normal?

Any and all help is welcome. Thanks!

Oh, and how, when you're loading the mag with gas, do you know that the mag is full and to stop filling?
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Old April 22nd, 2006, 08:26   #2
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I'll just comment on the inner barrel wobble, since I was the one to find and fix it. I found the larger O-ring at work, so I can't say much about where to buy one, but you could try tape around the inner barrel and add enough to get it to fit snug without being difficult to put in or take out. I have a Head 1950 6.04mm tightbore in mine, works just fine. BUT, you will find that you'll get a much larger increase in accuracy and consistancy with getting rid of the inner barrel wobble than you will with a tightbore. Do both together is the best way. I feel it's about 80% inner barrel fix, 20% tightbore (if the increase in accuracy/consistancy is considered to be 100%).
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Old April 22nd, 2006, 11:30   #3
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1. a high flow valve is exactly how it sounds like; more gas is able to flow out of the mag which leads to an increase in fps. whether or not you asbsolutely need it dependes on you. do you want all your mags shooting at the same fps and similar gas consumption (more gas used = less mileage)? keep in mind that a high flow valve is not necessary to run stronger gas.

4. yes that is normal. the outer barrel will pivot to allow for the camber to clear out of the way and allow the slide to move fully back. the real guns do this too, i think it is called delayed blowback but i'm no expert in real steel firearms.

fill -
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Old April 22nd, 2006, 12:27   #4
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
I found the larger O-ring at work, so I can't say much about where to buy one, but you could try tape around the inner barrel and add enough to get it to fit snug without being difficult to put in or take out.
What kind of tape do you think would work best? Should it go directly over the O-Ring?

Originally Posted by Rob
Excellent link! Thank you.
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Old April 24th, 2006, 16:28   #5
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Would suggest just regular electrical tape. Put it on in 1" peices I supposed, build it up, then test fit it. Put it on the barrel itself, or over the O-ring if yo ulike, never through about it. Will take my calipers to the O-ring I used and post it (in millimeters, since airsoft is in millimeters anyways. )
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Old April 24th, 2006, 16:31   #6
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Would suggest just regular electrical tape. Put it on in 1" peices I supposed, build it up, then test fit it. Put it on the barrel itself, or over the O-ring if yo ulike, never through about it. Will take my calipers to the O-ring I used and post it (in millimeters, since airsoft is in millimeters anyways. )
I read your mind . This is exactly what I did on Saturday. Although, it didn't seem to help accuracy. I think the problem is that I'm using .2g BB's. I ordered some .25 today; we'll see if that helps. My next airsoft purchase will be a smooth bore barrel too.

Thanks man!
Originally Posted by Droc
I think new users should buy a USB anytime they ask a stupid question, we can PM them a kick to the teeth.
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Old April 24th, 2006, 19:05   #7
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Ya, I find that even 0.25g are too light (within 30-50 they are ok, but past that they tend to suck) at times. Heavier is more stable, period. Sounds like the only way you are going to get any kind of decent accuracy/consistancy is to use heavier BBs. Incidentally, in my 30ft basement range, I can group 0.25g with my G19 about 3-4" or so, which is a hell of a lot better than it did stock (CD sized grouping was a dream back then, had to settle for shot placement all over a sheet of paper).

Measured (roughly, hard to measure a rubber O-ring with calipers and get a good reading............ case in point I measure the stock one, get 6.5-7.0mm ID, 1mm thickness yet OD measured............ checked all at least 4x......... 10mm). Anyways, the O-ring I use in my G19s is ~0.5mm larger diameter and 0.5mm thicker than the stock one.
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