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The WELL M4A1 (R6) AEG


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Old November 9th, 2005, 16:43   #1
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The WELL M4A1 (R6) AEG

Just want to see what sort of interest is out there for this’s been discussed lightly in some of the UTG MP5 and AK threads but some of the early reports that have recently been popping up in the States look promising...

The WELL M4 (R6)

-Est. 280FPS - real stats so far show 250ish
-Comes with an 8.4v 1100mAh battery and charger
-250 round hi-cap (NOT interchangeable w/TM, CA, ICS mags!)
-Adjustable hop-up, full metal gearbox, removable carrying handle, etc. Similar to the SRC M4A1


Initial reviews coming from ASR and other forums are looking decent. The major issue at this point seems to be poor shimming out of the box but other than that...the gearbox is exactly like the TM Version II and TM, CA, ICS, etc....internals are 100% interchangeable.

It seems many of the guys are picking these up for a hundred bucks (USD), tossing another $30-50 into the gearbox and turning out awesome better-than-stock AEGs. Out of the box, it seems to work just fine for entry-level players on a budget. Said to compare with the UTG MP5A4/A5, the upcoming UTG AK47 and the current SRC M4A1.

USA wholesale pricing is right about $65.00 USD and it’s currently selling around the $100 USD retail...a little cheaper overseas.

Thoughts? I’m thinking a $200-220 CAD range would be about fair after shipping, customs, GST, etc...

Compared to the SRC @ 299 CAD (canadianair) and the UTG MP5 @ 260 (canadianair)...the low $200 range CAD would seem about right IMO.

Thoughts? Flames? It’s no TM, CA, ICS........but! For a decent entry level-AEG or an awesome project gun

More first hand info can be found @ > search > “WELL R6”
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Old November 9th, 2005, 16:51   #2
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Biggest problem I can see so far:

- Magazines are not interchangeable...
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Old November 9th, 2005, 17:16   #3
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I absolutely agree...

Rumor has it that they may be in interchangeable with the DPMS A-15 AEG - which is not very popular here in Canada, haha...but just FYI.
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Old November 9th, 2005, 20:14   #4
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I wouldnt get it just based on the mag issue. If I was in the market for a cheap M4 I would just drop the extra $100ish for the SRC and save the hassle of spending that much on new mags...
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Old November 9th, 2005, 21:05   #5
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yeah and if you want to play with low-caps your shit outta luck. It's an interesting find but the mags are the deal killer.


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Old November 10th, 2005, 00:14   #6
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in canada you'd have to make a cheaper aeg to basically be a tm clone to have any hope in this market. but that is because we are tm crazy here while the u.s. is not. tm has had some import problems into the u.s. because of their trademarks and many companies have had to remove those trades aftermarket just to get them into the u.s. and some companies have refused to send them at all. so companies like well, utg, src and a host of other companies have flooded the u.s. with so many cheap aegs, just simple stats will say they will do good just from the volume of exposure to the general population. but here i think we are a much more refined taste for quality aegs, but there still is a market here for those. and some guys with the better guns will buy these just to fill a niche or just for shits and giggles. this will only happen though if they are compatible with other brands of mags and accessories. not necessarily that they make a bad product, but interchangeability is a HUGE downside that may not be overcome in this market, but some may sell to beginners just because of the price. and i don't see an under $200 aeg a possibility in canada from ANY retailer. if you go to wgc and look at tm guns that sell for $220 u.s. they sell for $480-500 can. that's nearly 2.5 times but that comes from duties, freight, exchange, etc. utg's that sell for $99-120 u.s. sell for $260 canadian. the numbers seem logical to me. so i think if well got them here $200 would probably be the minimum canadian retail.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 00:40   #7
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Gotta love the Giant MADE IN CHINA stamped on the side of that thing. Ugh.

Some people call them Terrorists. These boys have simply been...misguided.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 00:54   #8
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Originally Posted by mcguyver
in canada you'd have to make a cheaper aeg to basically be a tm clone to have any hope in this market. but that is because we are tm crazy here while the u.s. is not. tm has had some import problems into the u.s. because of their trademarks and many companies have had to remove those trades aftermarket just to get them into the u.s. and some companies have refused to send them at all. so companies like well, utg, src and a host of other companies have flooded the u.s. with so many cheap aegs,just simple stats will say they will do good just from the volume of exposure to the general population. but here i think we are a much more refined taste for quality aegs, but there still is a market here for those. and some guys with the better guns will buy these just to fill a niche or just for shits and giggles. this will only happen though if they are compatible with other brands of mags and accessories. not necessarily that they make a bad product, but interchangeability is a HUGE downside that may not be overcome in this market, but some may sell to beginners just because of the price. and i don't see an under $200 aeg a possibility in canada from ANY retailer. if you go to wgc and look at tm guns that sell for $220 u.s. they sell for $480-500 can. that's nearly 2.5 times but that comes from duties, freight, exchange, etc. utg's that sell for $99-120 u.s. sell for $260 canadian. the numbers seem logical to me. so i think if well got them here $200 would probably be the minimum canadian retail.
I love paragraphs.

"but that is because we are tm crazy here while the u.s. is not."

I wouldn't say that the US isn't TM crazy...Canadian Airsofters seem to prefer full metal (more often) as opposed to the TM ABS IMO - I love TM nonetheless.

"tm has had some import problems into the u.s. because of their trademarks and many companies have had to remove those trades aftermarket just to get them into the u.s. and some companies have refused to send them at all."

I disagree...I've imported thousands of dollars of TM (and other trademarked airsoft products) from companies all over HK and Japan into the USA w/o issues. We generally ask to have the trades covered, etc...but I never had any "import problems" from 2001-Present

“. so companies like well, utg, src and a host of other companies have flooded the u.s. with so many cheap aegs”

I wouldn’t say flooded…TM and especially CA and ICS import volumes are insane!

“but here i think we are a much more refined taste for quality aegs”

Hmm…I agree to a point but I believe the market availability has a lot more to do with it.

“not necessarily that they make a bad product, but interchangeability is a HUGE downside that may not be overcome in this market”


“and i don't see an under $200 aeg a possibility in canada from ANY retailer. if you go to wgc and look at tm guns that sell for $220 u.s. they sell for $480-500 can.”

I don’t understand what you’re saying?? I posted the US wholesale price…and a rough est (2.5xthat price as you posted) puts it right about the $200 CAD range…which is a definite possibility for Canadian Retail.

I appreciate the response/comments/etc. :grin:

Keep em coming!
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Old November 10th, 2005, 01:05   #9
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Even in those low quality pictures the plastic looks cheap cheap cheap. Ultimately, that's what it comes down to for me.

I have held plenty of TM guns, owned a TM G36C, TM VSR-10, G&P M4A1 and I have a TM M14 on the way (after I looked one over at the local airsoft shop). I just can't say enough good things about the TM build quality, both in fit and finish and in materials.

Could they do better in some areas? Of course. A good example would be making a nice fibre reinforced stock for that VSR, more similar to the G36C. The metal on the G&P was stellar. Yes, they are way more money, but in my opinion, the value is equal. You pay way more you get WAY more.

I understand it can be difficult for some people to "get into the sport" because of the prices. But if you want quality gear your going to pay. This holds true in every facet of Life. Good computer parts cost more than crappy generic ones. Good cars cost more than crappy ones. I saved up for 3 years before I could get an airsoft gun. And I started saving after I was 25 years old! Was it hard? You bet! Was it worth it buying that TM G36C? Hell yes! After my initial investment a little over two years ago, I'm now in a position to kick in a little extra and get fully kitted up with a M14, scope, scope mount, battery, 2 low caps and a hi cap. I'm good to go.

Your investment up front will be the most important thing when you want to upgrade to the next best/coolest/greatest gun.

Kelowna BC
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Old November 21st, 2005, 10:13   #10
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*Just to update my own post*

I held an R6 yesterday for a couple of minutes...

-Very light weight...
-Plastic feels nearly as bad as it looks
-Stock sucks...not sturdy, typical WELL quality, etc.

Trigger felt good though! :P Other than that, if I wasn't told it was the R6, I would have guessed it was one of the LPEG line-ups.

Worth 200 CAD? Eh...maybe...

I didn't have time to fire it up (too busy checking out the CA36K and SLR105, the new WE/HFCs fmu GBBs + and a .50 cal Barrett...)

but! I was also able to handle a version II UTG MP5A5/A4 deal and it felt great! Decent weight, good finish - looked and felt just like all of the other TM MP5s in shop.

Hope that helps? The reviews coming from ASR and such still look DECENT as far as performance goes w/the R6...but it really did feel like an LPEG more than anything else - bottom line.
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Old January 12th, 2006, 20:44   #11
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i just got one of these. the internals are good but the build quality sucks. im okay with it because im not a hardcore airsofter like most people on this forum are. if your looking for quality build and looks dont get it. this gun is good for people who want their first AEG, like me. :mrgreen:
p.s. i got mine for 100 in the US
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Old January 12th, 2006, 23:24   #12
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Why would anyone want an LPEG, you can't skirmish with it, it breaks so easily, it can't shoot worth shit, and it delivers no power/accuracy whatsoever.
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Old January 13th, 2006, 00:39   #13
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Originally Posted by Assassassain
Why would anyone want an LPEG, you can't skirmish with it, it breaks so easily, it can't shoot worth shit, and it delivers no power/accuracy whatsoever.
Although maybe not large, there certainly is some kind of market out there for everything. I completely agree with you, that you can not do a great job at skirmishes ect.., but that is only from the type of airsoft I have played, and that I know. Never know... could be any reason. Just as stated earlier in the thread, that you get what you pay for, and it's true in every area of life. To alot of people, even in our market, price alone will most certainly dictate the bottom line decision in what they purchase.

Just my opinion from what I have seen out there both through airsoft, and certainly outside of airsoft as well.
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Old January 13th, 2006, 19:44   #14
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well. im pretty satisfied. in the futre i can just but metal bodies and just drop it into that w/gearbox upgrades
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Old January 13th, 2006, 20:34   #15
made Man
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Originally Posted by airsoftassasin125
well. im pretty satisfied. in the futre i can just but metal bodies and just drop it into that w/gearbox upgrades
OR you could have saved up your pennies and bought a TM :smack:
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