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BA internals advice (mb05)


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Old September 13th, 2016, 22:44   #1
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BA internals advice (mb05)

So recently i have been focusing on getting my well mb05 shooting up par.

For the piston/ spring guide and cylinder, is there any difference between a $30 dollar upgrade kit ( whats in there now) or would a higher 'quality" one be better, as in lets say the i pdi piston/ piston head.

For inner barell length im using one about 100mm to short from my outer..shoots fine but i have to leave my end cap off which kinda looks weird.. Just wondering would there be any advantage to a bit longer of an inner.. Dont really want to buy a new one just for looks as i had this tightbore sitting around so i used it. Oh i should also ask what bore youve had best success with

What kind of lube should i use? Thick? Thin? Ive been using thicker grease but the advice was givin by someone who i found out knows jack all about anything. Also i grease spring guide and piston, iis there anything else to lube up?

Sorry for the long post, just trying to get it all out at once

Last edited by Montique; September 13th, 2016 at 22:52..
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Old September 13th, 2016, 22:53   #2
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Yes, a PDI or higher quality cylinder set will be better.

Tightbore? If it's tighter than 6.03mm then dump it. There's plenty of good barrels out there and you don't need a super long one. 400-450mm should be good.

If your having issues with the end cap then get some barrel stabilizers to straighten it out.

A decently thick lube on the cylinder is better, don't use a fluid. I believe Super Lube works well.

Consider doing an R-hop, but I'm not certain on the exact style of hop your gun has.

Use high quality and reasonably heavy BBs. At least 0.30g.

If you increase spring pressure you'll need to upgrade your trigger sears (or possibly the whole trigger grouping) to compensate.
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Old September 13th, 2016, 23:03   #3
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Im guessing the better quality cylinder is good for better seals? Or just longevity?

Yeh ive heard 6.03 is a good bore but was not sure about the widebore.

I do have 2 pdi spacers that work really well which is paired with the overpriced pdi hopup( lol) but the inner was so short the bb had time to curve into the endcap( which is my guess)

Alright i guess i got the right lube then.

I do have a flat hop nub on the pdi hopup atm. I have heard that i should be using the included nub to make use of the two arms but i just wanted to do some trial and error.

I have g&g .28 atm but yes, im in need of heavier and better quality ones

I do also have an upgraded the trigger box, first thing i did to it
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Old September 13th, 2016, 23:17   #4
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A better cylinder is just better all around, but they can be pricey I suppose. If your current cylinder is working or can work you can stick with it if needs be. A wide bore can be used, but they will significantly lower your FPS which you MAY need to compensate with a higher pressure spring, but that puts more pressure on the whole system and causes a harder bolt pull.
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Old September 13th, 2016, 23:24   #5
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Ya good point. My spring is stiff enough as it is not really looking for a stiffer one. Ive also forgot to ask about the cylinder head, but i assume an aftermarkey will be better from what you are saying. Thanks so much for the quick reply!
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Old September 13th, 2016, 23:54   #6
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The sole advantage of a widebore over a tightbore is they foul less quickly. So unless you're pumping hundreds of rounds out of your gun in a game, or plan on never cleaning the barrel, you can go 6.01 to 6.03 without worrying about diminishing accuracy.
Barrel length won't make any difference in a bolt action, but it and the bore will affect joule creep.

Having to leave your end cap off means there's a misalignment issue. Find it and fix it, then you can leave the end cap on.
At a distance of 12" (for example) between the end of your inner barrel and your end cap, you should be able to shoot through an 8mm aperture no problem.

Don't go cheap on the bolt action upgrades. Cheap parts like angel custom are far more trouble than they're worth.
The PDI piston and V-trigger are a good upgrade. Hard to really "upgrade" the cylinder; if it already seals well, then it's already perfect. What more can you really ask for? lol

Only thing you need to grease is the compression area of the cylinder and the outer shell.
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Old September 14th, 2016, 00:07   #7
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I've seen so many inconsistencies with 6.01 and 6.02mm barrels in various platforms I no longer recommend them. In fact there's no real benefit, so why buy one? I'll run one in pistol for the small boost and because I don't need huge distance out of it, 200' or less is great.
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Last edited by Ricochet; September 14th, 2016 at 10:28..
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Old September 14th, 2016, 08:36   #8
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Ok i will look at the alighnment when i get the chance next. This is my first time being inside a gun i usually leave it to the techs. I do understand i dont go cheap on BA's ive spent a fair amount of money so far, i just didnt want to spend money on a new piston if the one i had right now was fine but the way you guys explain it, it will be a good investment. Again, thanks for your input. Any advice on why my barell would be misaligned even with spacers and that metal ring stabalizer? If not ill do my best to figure it out.
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Old September 14th, 2016, 10:40   #9
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If your hop/inner barrel assembly are steady together and your outter barrel/receiver are steady together, then it's just when it's all together something's not lining up. Try placing a barrel spacer near centre and one just inside from the end (within 2-4").

A good nozzle will help out immensely, especially paired with a good hop. If your cylinder is getting a good seal and holding properly, then it is what it is and you may wish to spend that money later. However a properly machined cylinder set isn't only stronger, it's steadier.

My last sniper project was a Tokyo Marui L96 and I upgraded nearly everything I could on it, save for the PDI receiver and hop. Looking back I probably should have tried another hop as the stock one left a bit to be desired. In the end, even with all the upgrades I deemed it unfieldable and sold it. To be fair, my expectations are pretty high. What I should have done was ship it off to someone like Thunder to dick around with the hop for me. I'm going to be building a VSR G-Spec build this time and focusing first on the hop and then working backwards.
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Old September 14th, 2016, 12:27   #10
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Yeh thats why i put money into buying a pdi hopup and installed that before I purchased a new piston or anything.

Ill do what you recommend with the spacers, thats a good idea.

I, like you, have got high expectaions which is why im spending the money on quality parts. I have read online other places but I trust members of asc the most and im glad I made the post. Im off to find a retailer

Also atm i have two barell spacers, ive read thats enough but was wondering if i should get one more, so one near hopup one in middle and one at the end.

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Old September 14th, 2016, 12:33   #11
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Originally Posted by Montique View Post
Yeh thats why i put money into buying a pdi hopup and installed that before I purchased a new piston or anything.

Ill do what you recommend with the spacers, thats a good idea.

I, like you, have got high expectaions which is why im spending the money on quality parts. I have read online other places but I trust members of asc the most and im glad I made the post. Im off to find a retailer

Also atm i have two barell spacers, ive read thats enough but was wondering if i should get one more, so one near hopup one in middle and one at the end.

It certainly couldn't hurt, but 3-4 should be plenty.
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Old September 14th, 2016, 13:38   #12
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You really only need one spacer. The hop chamber holds the back end of the barrel, and you only need one more about 2/3 down the length of the barrel.
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Old September 14th, 2016, 14:10   #13
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Alright ill stick with what i have got. Thats about all the questions i have thanks a ton you both helped me plenty
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