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Getting into the sport, rental gear and buying gear questions


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Old September 10th, 2015, 12:28   #1
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Kitchener
Getting into the sport, rental gear and buying gear questions

K a little bit of background. I bought a pistol off a buddy of mine who played airsoft a few years back. Its a KWC full metal co2 Gbb 1911, I have a drop leg holster for it with no extra mags.

I'm from the K/W area (Kitchener waterloo, Ontario ) I'll be looking into AVing soon. I am wondering what fields (outdoor preferably) do Rentals to try out the sport. I've heard of a place in London that does Friday firefights and Sunday milsims.

For gear wise, I will be buying my own eye pro and face pro. I have been interested in wanting to play air soft for a few years now but was in college and only worked part time. Finally being in the trades I can financially condone playing the sport/ driving to certain locations.

If I do like the sport. Which is more then likely, as I do hunt and have been around real steel since I was a kid. I was looking into a DMR role, m14's have always been a gun I've had a hard on for. What brands would be a good semi auto AEG ( full auto too) would be a good starter gun that is reliable and upgradeable? I have looked in CYMA m14's and look reasonable with a decent price point ( so far everything is sold out at the moment.)

I will probably have more questions but I'll just start off with this. As my friend has only been able to answer so much since he's been out of it for awhile.

Thanks again.

Jordan/ Balgreth
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Old September 10th, 2015, 14:08   #2
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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G&G I think was the recommendation for M14s
Don't worry about full auto, it has it, but you really won't need to use it if you're a good hunter/shot.
Find a good gun tech in the area, upgrade the barrel and hop rubber, use heavy ammo (.28 to .32) and you'll quickly find you can do a lot more with one BB than a lot of other people can with 30.
Resale value usually stays higher with higher quality guns, but having it shoot great always helps resale.
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Old September 10th, 2015, 14:55   #3
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
G&G I think was the recommendation for M14s
Don't worry about full auto, it has it, but you really won't need to use it if you're a good hunter/shot.
Find a good gun tech in the area, upgrade the barrel and hop rubber, use heavy ammo (.28 to .32) and you'll quickly find you can do a lot more with one BB than a lot of other people can with 30.
Resale value usually stays higher with higher quality guns, but having it shoot great always helps resale.
Didn't see anything on milsig, cyma on Toronto air soft are out of stock, only one type of G&P m14 in stock. Once in AV ill look into the used section. There any other online shops I could look at?
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Old September 10th, 2015, 15:37   #4
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I am not the right person to ask, I've been around long enough, but I haven't bought a gun from a store since A&A airsoft closed shop lol
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Old September 10th, 2015, 15:49   #5
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Avoid MilSig.

If you have facebook, join the "Airsoft Canada" group:

There's a "LNIB G&G M14 EBR HBA-L 380$" from one guy there.

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Old September 10th, 2015, 16:26   #6
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I'm actually in K-W half the year (because school), and we have several fields we go to.

The main one is Flag Raiders Outdoors, and games run every other week on Saturdays. Here is a link to the FB group when we post games:

The other field would be Finch Field in Guelph, and they post games here on ASC and their FB whenever they are running a game.

There are private fields but I don't know enough of them to tell you.

Check out the local KW airsoft store Blackblitz Airsoft here:
as well as their facebook page. On their FB page, they can help you out with rentals and questions.

Keep in mind that Flag Raiders requires PAINTBALL rated eye-pro, NOT airsoft or milspec'd eye-pro. So get a pair of paintball goggles if you want to play there (I know, I know, YUCK, but rules are rules).

Cheers, and hope to see you on the field sometime!

Last edited by Datawraith; September 10th, 2015 at 17:29..
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Old September 10th, 2015, 16:55   #7
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Yea looking at milsig I was kinda amazed at how much they charged for even low end aeg's. I'm gonna keep looking around. A buddy of mine has an m4 for me to use to try out. Not sure the make ill find out when I meet up with him. He's currently moving. I like the CYMA's cause their TM clones.
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Old September 10th, 2015, 16:57   #8
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post

I'm actually in K-W half the year (because school), and we have several fields we go to.

The main one is Flag Raiders Outdoors, and games run every other week on Saturdays. Here is a link to the FB group when we post games:

The other field would be Finch Field in Guelph, and they post games here on ASC and their FB whenever they are running a game.

There are private fields but I don't know enough of them to tell you.

Check out the local KW airsoft store Blackblitz Airsoft here:
as well as their facebook page. On their FB page, they can help you out with rentals and questions.

Keep in mind that Flag Raiders requires PAINTBALL rated eye-pro, NOT airsoft or milspec'd eye-pro. So get a pair of paintball goggles if you want to play there (I know, I know, YUCK, but rules are rules).

Cheers, and hope to see you on the field sometime!
You going to Laurier or Waterloo? Lol I'm actually gonna be working on my truck at my dads, lives right beside the main Laurier campus
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Old September 10th, 2015, 17:17   #9
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I'm at UWaterloo.

Flag Raiders has a game on Saturday, the 12th (2 days from today). I can't go because I'm busy, but will (hopefully and probably) be at the next one on the 26th.

I forgot to link BBA's facebook page, so here you go:

My recommendation is rent or borrow for a few games to see if you enjoy the sport. From there, you can decide on the style you like playing and narrow down your rifle type.

I actually play as a DMR for my squad and will be SERIOUSLY kitting out my KC02 for the upcoming season, so if you see me at the games, come talk to me.

Last edited by Datawraith; September 10th, 2015 at 17:28..
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Old September 10th, 2015, 17:33   #10
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I may have the 26th off, I work half day Saturdays. Maybe ill come out. What's the fps limit at the ft outdoor? Cause ill order 2 mags for my 1911 and a loader.
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Old September 10th, 2015, 17:53   #11
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Here's a copy and pasta from the game for the 12th. It'll prob be very very similar for the 26th.

[Begin Copy and Pasta]





-Where: Flag Raiders Paintball (outdoor) 425 Bingemans Centre Drive, Kitchener.

-Cost: $25 + TAX

This game is already cleared with the owner and I will be there at 8:30am but would like to get a rough idea of how many would be interested in attending to hopefully get some games planned out ahead of time. With that being said if at the last moment you find you have some time to kill and an itchy trigger finger but haven't posted IN, feel free to just show up.

Games will consist of quick paced skrims in a wide selection of heavily furnished fields with a variety of different game types and objectives. Rules, boundaries, spawns and all other game specific information will be determined on game day.

In the walk-on price you will get access to the airsoft skrims for the day, 1 free drink and ALL YOU CAN EAT HOTDOGS for lunch.

These are going to be open events to players of all skill levels from NOOB - ELITE. However with that in mind we are out here to have fun and blow off a little steam from the week of work and bs, this is no tournament.

-AGE LIMIT will be set at 18+ for now and may be reviewed with players and Joe to see if accommodations can/should be made.

-There will be a safety briefing given by FLAG RAIDERS STAFF before the first game starts


-400fps for AEG's

-450fps for BA sniper rifles with a 100ft minimum engagement limit. (must change to secondary within 100ft, if this engagement distance is high please let me know and I will re-evaluate it I'm no sniper.)


-COLD BURNING smoke grenades are in play

-Please NO SOUND DISTRACTION DEVICES. (this includes thunder B's and tornado distraction device kits)

-PAINTBALL GOGGLES ONLY (this is due to insurance purposes as paintball will be held on the same day on adjacent fields)

-FULL FACE MASK IS NOT REQUIRED but mouth protection is encouraged.

-BARREL BLOCKING DEVICE is in use at Flag Raiders Paintball. This means you will need some sort of approved barrel blocking device such as barrel plug or cover for use anytime while in the safe zone (staging area).



-if YOU ARE HIT OR THINK YOU MAY HAVE BEEN HIT please call yourself out. Raise your hands into the air with or without a red kill rag and yell out loud "I'M HIT! I'M HIT!".


-Please try to AVOID SHOOTING DEAD PLAYERS (its going to happen eventually). If you accidentally shoot an already dead player apologise right away and continue playing.

- if there is an issues with someone NOT CALLING HITS OR ANY OTHER PROBLEMS make sure you can ID the person clearly then please speak with myself or Rideout and one of us will deal with the situation.


**these will become a regular thing at this location and therefore any and all ideas, suggestions and comments are takin into account. I will be trying to adjust games bi-weekly to accommodate new ideas and suggestions so if you wanna try something or would like to see an adjustment PLEASE PM ME and I will try my best.**

####Be aware upon arrival as parking has changed######

Thanks For Reading.
And I'll see you on the field.

[End Copy and Pasta]

Last edited by Datawraith; September 10th, 2015 at 18:04..
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Old September 10th, 2015, 18:20   #12
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Originally Posted by Balgreth View Post
Yea looking at milsig I was kinda amazed at how much they charged for even low end aeg's. I'm gonna keep looking around. A buddy of mine has an m4 for me to use to try out. Not sure the make ill find out when I meet up with him. He's currently moving. I like the CYMA's cause their TM clones.
CYMA may be a TM clone but they aren't good ones. Just because it's modeled on a good gun.... they are very entry level and the quality just isn't there. If you plan to use it for a while then the G&G is the way to go.
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Old September 10th, 2015, 20:53   #13
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Thanks for the Info guys. It for sure is a lot to take in for info, good thing i've spent the last 5-6 months reading up on everything again. Its tough to find reliable info. As for the 26th, I will try to come out. I'm prob gonna order mags for the KWC pistol.

Does holstering, unloaded and safety engage count as a barrel sock for sidearms? Other questions, where do i order the Paintball goggles/ barrel socks?

As for the m14 I will look into the G&G, but today at work it was slow so my buddy and i were talking about taking guns apart( real steel and airsoft) his old TM mp5 was quiet a nightmare the first few times. He put me onto CA and i saw dun dun dun....... m110 ( by far best weapon in ArmA 3 Milsim games...PC game if you guys don't know of it.) Did some reading on CA and heard nothing but great things including posts by the older members on here. Also its in around the price range I'm looking to spend. ( probably going to be waiting till after the tire season at my work.....OVERTIME yeee yee.)
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Old September 10th, 2015, 20:56   #14
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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There's literally nothing good about being a TM clone lol
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Old September 10th, 2015, 21:11   #15
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
There's literally nothing good about being a TM clone lol
Ai, so i've come to learn. May just have to wait to find a TM m14 down the road. Tho i am kinda digging that CA m110. We'll see how things go, hoping my buddy with his M4 gets back to me on the weekend. I'm gonna be contacting 2 of the K/W AV'ers.

If i got the 26th off I'm probably going to swing out there just to maybe meet everyone get some names and faces. Good to know peeps that could answer any lame questions i may have.
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