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KWA USP gas mag inlet nozzle plugged by sand


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Old December 14th, 2013, 09:42   #1
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: GTA
Lightbulb KWA USP gas mag inlet nozzle plugged by sand

Hello folks, need a bit of advice here.

During a game I accidentally dropped my ups mag on a sand-padded floor. I cleaned all the nozzle and valve areas but when I try to fill it with propane via an adaptor, the gas wouldn't go in. Tried to fill my other mag with it and I had no problem, so it's not the propane nor the adaptor. Seems like the inlet nozzle is plugged by some fine sand. Any suggestion on fixing the problem? Thanks in advance
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Old December 14th, 2013, 13:17   #2
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Location: Richmond Hill
This is what you do:
1. Go to a clean place with clean towel on a table
2. Take a cup of water. Dip the end of the magazine into said water and try to shake off as much sand as you can.
3. Take a screw driver and take out the valve. Be sure to depressurize the mag before doing so.
4: The valve will have two sections that are screwed together. With a needle nose pliers, gently take apart the valve.
5: You will find a spring inside. Putting that aside with the cap, use the back of a small drill bit to punch out the probe.
6: remove rubber ring on probe. This piece is very sensitive: do not get dirty
7: take a water bottle half filled with water
8: take probe, put into bottle, close the cap and shake till your heart's content.
9: strain bottle to retrieve probe. Coffee filters would catch the sand too: don't want that, but you can strain into a filter in case the probe falls through the strainer (I doubt it will happen)
10: reassemble valve and reinsert into magazine
11: give it a test.
If test fails:
O1: take probe back out
O2: use pliers to hold probe by the stem
O3: use duster to try to blow from the back end to try clearing the intake port.

Do not get rings dirty
Do not use loose strain towel: you'll lose your o-ring.
If you still can't seem to get it out, you could always buy a new valve for maybe $5? maybe.
Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
good ol red62, I shot him more than all of Eco I bet, LOL
**Certified Tornado Tech**Will fix your guns for food and BBs**

Last edited by Red62; December 14th, 2013 at 13:22..
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Old December 14th, 2013, 19:51   #3
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: GTA
Thanks. Will try that out

Originally Posted by Red62 View Post
This is what you do:
1. Go to a clean place with clean towel on a table
2. Take a cup of water. Dip the end of the magazine into said water and try to shake off as much sand as you can.
3. Take a screw driver and take out the valve. Be sure to depressurize the mag before doing so.
4: The valve will have two sections that are screwed together. With a needle nose pliers, gently take apart the valve.
5: You will find a spring inside. Putting that aside with the cap, use the back of a small drill bit to punch out the probe.
6: remove rubber ring on probe. This piece is very sensitive: do not get dirty
7: take a water bottle half filled with water
8: take probe, put into bottle, close the cap and shake till your heart's content.
9: strain bottle to retrieve probe. Coffee filters would catch the sand too: don't want that, but you can strain into a filter in case the probe falls through the strainer (I doubt it will happen)
10: reassemble valve and reinsert into magazine
11: give it a test.
If test fails:
O1: take probe back out
O2: use pliers to hold probe by the stem
O3: use duster to try to blow from the back end to try clearing the intake port.

Do not get rings dirty
Do not use loose strain towel: you'll lose your o-ring.
If you still can't seem to get it out, you could always buy a new valve for maybe $5? maybe.
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