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Airsoft Sites where a minor (Under 18) is able to play Airsoft in Ontario


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Old July 19th, 2014, 18:07   #1
jason.0133's Avatar
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Airsoft Sites where a minor (Under 18) is able to play Airsoft in Ontario

I live in the Durham region area in Canada, Ontario and I am 14 years of age and I am wondering if there are some places where minors (under 18) are allowed to play Air soft (with parent/guardian consent). I know of 1 place which allows a minor to play with parent/guardian consent all though it is a all indoor Air soft arena ( ). I just want to know if anybody knows an outdoor arena like which I am aloud to play at (I have contacted WhitbyAirsoft but they do not allow anyone under 18 even with parent/guardian consent to play). I understand that most responses will be "Wait in till your 18" and I completely understand your point of view, I just want to know if anyone knows any places where I am allowed to play because I would really like to get into Airsoft.

Thank you reading this post, really do appreciate it.

Last edited by jason.0133; July 19th, 2014 at 18:14..
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Old July 19th, 2014, 21:08   #2
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Try again when you're 16. It'll be slightly easier but being 18+ is the best way to get access to public games/venues. If UA has that policy then go there and give them your business if some other field says 18+ then wait until then to give them your money.

Seriously, worry about picking up hot chicks, what you're going to wear to school the next day, or doing other hobbies for now. You're only young once.
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Old July 19th, 2014, 21:13   #3
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16 with a parent playing 18 without
a lot of fields do not want to be a daycare facility (not saying you're immature but its a generalization that is made)
and a lot of players don't want to play with "kids" hell it took a damn long time for ANYBODY under 18 to even be remotely accepted as a player without parents being active in the sport.

Right now all you can really do is honestly lurk the boards learn post little and maybe see if at some point down the road an event coordinator will be in need of a ref, or something.
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Old July 19th, 2014, 21:35   #4
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As far as I know UA is the only field that will allow people your age to play. Where are you located?
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Old July 19th, 2014, 23:37   #5
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Tough. Even with the guys I played before would play with kids under 18.
Can't really talk how we want to talk when kids are around. lol

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Old July 19th, 2014, 23:55   #6
Zack The Ripper
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Talk to Trevor from Hill 437 and the guys at Finch Field when they have game days. I have brought my brother, who was 14 and turned 15 during this period, to Finch Field once and to the Hill more times than I can count.

Conditions were that a guardian had to be playing in-game and I had to stick close to him for the entirety. As well, I had to provide a note from our mother for good conscious as I am not his parent.

I was a regular at the Hill for a very long time and this relaxed a bit as my brother played more games. He was allowed to go off with other bros to pew pew without my constant supervision.

However, I was a regular, and Trevor might not be so apt to having someone he doesn't know chaperone a teen.
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Old July 20th, 2014, 00:11   #7
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Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
Talk to Trevor from Hill 437 and the guys at Finch Field when they have game days. I have brought my brother, who was 14 and turned 15 during this period, to Finch Field once and to the Hill more times than I can count.

Conditions were that a guardian had to be playing in-game and I had to stick close to him for the entirety. As well, I had to provide a note from our mother for good conscious as I am not his parent.

I was a regular at the Hill for a very long time and this relaxed a bit as my brother played more games. He was allowed to go off with other bros to pew pew without my constant supervision.

However, I was a regular, and Trevor might not be so apt to having someone he doesn't know chaperone a teen.
Thanks for the suggestion, will definitely check it out!
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Old July 20th, 2014, 00:12   #8
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
As far as I know UA is the only field that will allow people your age to play. Where are you located?
I am located around whitby
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Old July 20th, 2014, 00:17   #9
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
16 with a parent playing 18 without
a lot of fields do not want to be a daycare facility (not saying you're immature but its a generalization that is made)
and a lot of players don't want to play with "kids" hell it took a damn long time for ANYBODY under 18 to even be remotely accepted as a player without parents being active in the sport.

Right now all you can really do is honestly lurk the boards learn post little and maybe see if at some point down the road an event coordinator will be in need of a ref, or something.
I understand, thanks for the suggestions
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Old July 24th, 2014, 18:42   #10
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Probably a little far for you, but Niagara Quartermaster, just outside Niagara Falls would allow you to play as long as you had a parent/guardian on site. Look them up on Facebook or check out their website for full details.
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