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We Open Bolt M4 Mags


Accessories Discussion

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Old January 28th, 2013, 15:12   #1
Potenza's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Laval, QC
We Open Bolt M4 Mags

Hi guys,

I have a small issue with some of my WE Open Bolt M4 mags. Perhaps some of you can share your opinion on how to resolve the problem.

The mags are pretty much made of 2 large parts which consist of the main black portion of the magazine (which holds the gas), and the grey outter shell of the magazine (which gives it it's M4 mag look).
These 2 parts are only secured together by a small screw found on the underside of both parts.

I had one mag fall on the floor and the screw came out. Now it will not properly screw back in place as if the threading was stripped or if the screw wasn't long enough.
I also received one mag from factory with the same issue, the screw was undone inside the box and it just doesn't hold the two parts together securely enough.

The blowback action or any sudden impact makes the two parts seperate from eachother.

Is a longer screw the solution to securely holding both parts back together?

Thank you,
Black Coqs - Fireteam Echo
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Old January 28th, 2013, 15:16   #2
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
This actually happened to me as well with one of my V2 GG mags. I solved the issue with a screw I had from an older mag. Upon looking at the two, someone screwed up. Pun intended.

The bad screw which came with the mag was a lot shorter than all of my others for whatever reason.

Try using some blue Loctite too.
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