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Swap out Plastic body??


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Old January 3rd, 2013, 12:15   #1
Derpnation's Avatar
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Swap out Plastic body??

Basically I am just looking to see some people opinions on if I should do it or not based on my situation. Option no.1 I can buy a full metal M4A1 and eventually change the hand guard as the one I want does not have a rail. Option no.2 I can buy a Nylon body gun with a metal rail system and comes with a PEQ box and just switch out the plastic stuff that should be metal to metal. In your opinion as I am a beginner what would you advise me to do?
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 12:17   #2
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What brands are the 2 guns that you're looking at? It would be better to get the metal bodied gun first, they're typically more durable, and it's cheaper to get a rail system than a new receiver.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 12:26   #3
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it's also easier to get a rail system than a new receiver.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 12:31   #4
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I highly recommend getting full metal, not just for durability but also looks and feel of the gun...and it won't creak like wooden floor boards :P.

Last edited by nstahl.19; January 3rd, 2013 at 12:44..
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 12:31   #5
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Currently I am looking at a WE M4A1 AEG and a plastic King Arms. I really try to avoid King Arms but I really would like to highly modify a gun, only thing I cant and don't want to try to get into is opening a gear box. I've done research about swapping parts for a good year now so i have a vivid idea of what I am supposed to do and what is too complicated for me.
Edit: I am just looking for people have experienced and know first hand and know which situation is better externally wise and internally wise.

Last edited by Derpnation; January 3rd, 2013 at 12:42..
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 12:45   #6
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Originally Posted by Derpnation View Post
I really would like to highly modify a gun, only thing I cant and don't want to try to get into is opening a gear box.
so you want to dress up your gun, not modify it. :P

the KA metal receiver is reportedly hard to get the front end off without cracking the receiver.. I'm not sure how well the nylon will hold up to attempting to remove everything.

I have not heard anything about the WEs... might be a good idea just to go with that.

or just save up longer and buy a metal gun with the rail on it.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 13:40   #7
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Or, get a gas gearbox, metal receiver, metal rail
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Unstep your dick and stay in your lane. You are waaaaay out.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 14:21   #8
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Originally Posted by thpethalK View Post
Or, get a gas gearbox, metal receiver, metal rail
But then mags will cost a fortune. For a beginner, I don't think that would be economical.

Personally, I would buy the rifle with the metal receiver, and then buy aftermarket rails, because A) It's much, much easier and cheaper to buy and install rails than it is for receivers, and B) there is (arguably) much more choice in handguards (such as tube-style, free-float, RIS/RAS, etc.) than there is in receivers. I'm not saying there is no variation in receivers, but there is less so, and the difference is often unnoticeable.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 14:38   #9
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To echo what everyone said metal receiver first will be easier.

I did a few plastic to metal body swaps recently for myself and a friend (who is also a noob). I can tell you that it will be much less hassle adding in a rail as opposed to doing the swap. My friend had a hard time wrapping his head around it (even with instructions) even with my help.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 14:52   #10
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Ok looks like metal body then!! Only thing I should watch out for i believe is ics hand guards because they are different I believe?
Edit: I heard it was different on how the delta ring isn't real steel style and has no grooves

Last edited by Derpnation; January 3rd, 2013 at 14:55..
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 20:20   #11
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wow lets all get aved?
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 20:46   #12
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I hate to continue tracking this thread off topic, but what's with the discrimination against non-av'd members? Everyone seems to think that because you don't have a little emblem under your username, you don't deserve respect and/or help. I understand the concept of refusing to help these members get their hands on particular things, but you guys seriously need to lighten up. Some of us aren't able to get av'd, due to the trouble that comes from the whole ordeal, and others just aren't 18 yet. I think it' ridiculous to just assume that a 25 year old is more mature than a 17 year old because of a few years difference. I very well know of 15 year olds more mature than people of age, and I wouldn't hesitate to have a skirmish with them. I just don't understand the assumption that someone has to be 18 to be mature. Seriously, get over yourselves.

Now to get somewhat back on topic, the choice between the two is somewhat simple if what you really want is full metal. As everyone else seems to be suggesting, it's much simpler and cheaper to replace a rail system than a receiver.
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Old January 3rd, 2013, 21:02   #13
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Originally Posted by drk242 View Post
wow lets all get aved?
I could talk forever about why the Aved age should be lowered...
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Old January 4th, 2013, 07:26   #14
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interesting and we could at length discus why but .... that is the forum rule . do you go to strip bars and ask to be served, then comment to the bouncer that you feel Harper should lower the drinking age to 5. so i did not disrespect rokor as a mater of fact his comment comes off a little snotty. i do belong to a group of players that encourages young guns to learn and bring their insights to the table we have no less then 6 that come out to our various home fields and tech days. perhaps instead of jumping the gun and fraging you could pause your me first gimme gimmie need to be satisfied now and ask in a pm a retailer or gun doc the burning question you might get the answer and more. further my point i and we the members of our fields have asked of age players that do not fallow basic rules to not come back and to leave, we don't care how old a tool is they can go. as to lightening up son when you hit my age then you can talk the rules are there so all members conform and that is it.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 07:42   #15
rogue 46
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m4 advice

Yes..take spikes can upgrade more later on if you get full metal now..I did the very same thing,my first m4 was a DPMS panther..plastic..had it 4months..GONE to grave metal man! you,ll be thankful that you saved money and regrets.cheers.
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