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Echo 1 P90 upgrades


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Old July 23rd, 2012, 13:26   #1
Join Date: Jul 2012
Echo 1 P90 upgrades

So i'm looking to upgrade my p90 gearbox. I want a fast but quiet gearbox. Here is what I am looking at getting. If anyone has any knowledge on how good/bad these parts are please let me know. Thanks in advance.


13:1 gear ratio
I want these to get a fast ROF. I mainly do CQB, so Semi Auto. I'm upgrading basically my entire gearbox so this shouldnt be too bad on the parts. I'm going to be pulling a S80 or S90 spring.

Hop up bucking
To get a better airseal

Cylinder upgrade kit
This upgrades the cylinder, cylinder head, piston, and piston head. I will probably get a full metal teeth piston later.

I read that bearings are better for high speed set ups but wear out sooner. I'm alright with replacing a $15 part once every 6 months or whatever it is.

Air nozzle
I want a better air nozzle for a better air seal. This one has a oil o-ring. It was either this one or a clear one. So I chose this one.

I want a quiet gearbox also. If anyone knows how to get a gearbox quiet, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
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Old July 23rd, 2012, 13:51   #2
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I'd get a set of SHS gears in Canada first. Cheaper and higher quality than the Evike House brand Matrix shit.

Don't know much about that bucking but I always liked the Guarder Clear's for low FPS setups, either that or get a SystemA bucking (wash it in warm mild soapy water first though to take out the silicone oil they put on it at the factory).

The Guarder cylinder enhancement set is awesome, no complaints there. Also note that the Cylinder Enhancement set contains a P90 air nozzle so you don't need to buy two.

No need for bearings over bushings IMO. I used to think bearings were better but for airsoft I now think it doesn't really matter (a dynamics/kinetics class can change a lot of preconceived views). A complex industrial mechanical system or mining machinery or even a bicycle yeah I could see bearings being better but airsoft, bushings or bearings do the same thing at the end of the day and aren't subject to stresses like mining machinery or even bikes are (and in those kinds of systems the bearings are huge and can take heavy stresses and loads). Not to mention that there's a point where bearings by nature of their design and manufacturing tolerances, can fail at high loads (relative to it's size).

tl;dr Bushings in general are superior to bearings for small systems like airsoft gearboxes.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old July 23rd, 2012, 13:52   #3
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Location: Ottawa
why are you ordering all of that stuff from evike? They will murder you on shipping charges and possibly send you the wrong things if at all.

There are plenty of vendors in country that sell parts.

If you are getting consistent fps there is no reason to change any compression components. If you want it quieter, install sorbo on the cylinder head.

E1 v6s also have that shitty shortened tappet with an enlarged nub on the sector gear (at least mine did) so crack it open to compare before you buy gears. If you get a regular cammed sector gear with that shortened tappet, it might not feed.

most of the noise from the p90 comes from the shell.. the noise resonates inside the thing. There are a few mods that address this.. but they're unconventional. like using dynamat and lining the inside where the gearbox goes.
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