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Gun selection. Help!


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Old April 25th, 2012, 18:56   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
Exclamation Gun selection. Help!

Hi, i'm new to the forums but i need help selecting an airsoft gun. I'm not a complete noob to airsoft, i've shot airsoft pistols and pellet rifles but thats it. I found a few guns but i only want to purchase one of them. I would like some advice on it because i cannot find reviews on the internet for them.

I would really like some feedback. If you have any suggestions on good automatic guns please give me a link, i'm willing to spend 160 max. If you know of any good WWII airsoft guns i would be willing to pay a little extra. Thanks!
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Old April 25th, 2012, 19:17   #2
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Originally Posted by OttawaGuy View Post
i'm willing to spend 160 max.
Unless you can double that budget, don't bother.
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Old April 25th, 2012, 19:35   #3
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$160 might buy you a few mags, a bag of bb's, and something to hump those mags around will not find a gun worth taking on to the field for $160..this is an expensive sport and that's all there is to it. And if that's your budget then paintball might be the avenue for you
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Old April 25th, 2012, 19:41   #4
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Agreed. I set an original budget of 200-225$ but quickly realized if you want less problems and something good you need to go at least 300. At least.

If you've waited this long to play you can wait a little while longer to save up and get something worth getting.

You can cheap out on gear and some other things but everything for your rifle, imo, should be really good quality. Well good enough quality that it won't cause you any major issues, especially during a game.

Without your gun you're useless so might as well make sure your little baby is going to do the job you want it to.
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Old April 25th, 2012, 21:48   #5
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Ok... now taking bets on this being the last we hear from him until he posts in the gun doc section asking for help for his gun that doesn't work.
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Old April 25th, 2012, 22:13   #6
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WW2 weapons range way higher than $160...
Looking at $250-300 for a Luger, $300-500 for an MP40, around $300-400 for an STG.
$250-300 for a Thompson.

That's just the gun, need a decent charger and battery to go with it of course... Add in a couple of mags and you're looking at an additional $100-200 give or take.

Look into getting Age Verified, it will open up the classifieds full of used guns, some with added extras.
It will also open up other retailers who have a vast selection of goodies.
(Getting Age Verified is in the FAQs)
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Old April 25th, 2012, 22:38   #7
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I have worked on the exact CA MP5K that's been posted above. It is an okay deal for the cash and had decent shimming, but is a very different animal from the other MP5s (CYMA, G&G) that I've worked on.

The single biggest risk with that MP5K is that OttawaGuy will not purchase a smart charger -- that gun comes with a very specific battery and you don't want to toast it to death if at all possible.
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Old April 25th, 2012, 22:48   #8
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
The single biggest risk with that MP5K is that OttawaGuy will not purchase a smart charger -- that gun comes with a very specific battery and you don't want to toast it to death if at all possible.
Are you saying i should or shouldn't buy a smart charger?
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Old April 25th, 2012, 22:51   #9
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You should. A Smart Charger will stop charging (so to speak) once the battery is full. Overcharging a battery will harm it.
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Old April 26th, 2012, 08:25   #10
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Well, he's still here. I stand corrected.

Yes, buy a smart charger. The wall-wart chargers that come with guns will rapidly kill your battery. And on a side note - most batteries that come with the gun from the factory blow and won't last. A good quality after-market battery and charger are strongly recommended.

As someone said above, airsoft is expensive to get into. You look at these $150 packages and thing "Wow! Great deal!" Then it doesn't take long to realize why it was so cheap in the first place, and you end up out shopping for something more expensive that you should have just bought in the first place.

On a side note, as expensive as you may think a $300 gun is, that's actually damn cheap. It wasn't but a few years ago that an entry level gun + battery + charger was over $500.
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Old April 26th, 2012, 09:18   #11
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Ottawa guy, I started out with a cheap gun around your budget and it wasn't very fun. I was getting shot to death and I didn't have near the range or the rof to come close to hitting anyone. I saved my pennies and was able to buy a fully upgraded G&G M4 from one of my team mates that purrs like a kitten. Your best bet would be to get age verified and then you can check out the classifieds here at ASC,as there a tons of great deals. You will have to pay more then $160 but believe me it will be worth it because there is nothing more frustrating then shooting at someone with a crap gun and watching them laugh at you while your bb's land 30 feet in front of them and then they shoot you in the face
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Old April 26th, 2012, 12:03   #12
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My motto is :Spend 160 now and youll spend 140 tommorow. Spend 300 now spend 0 tommorow..

Buy good stuff that will perform well and wont crap on your hand really fast.
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Old April 26th, 2012, 12:53   #13
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Originally Posted by freakonleash View Post
My motto is :Spend 160 now and youll spend 140 tommorow. Spend 300 now spend 0 tommorow..

Buy good stuff that will perform well and wont crap on your hand really fast.
Probably more accurate is you'll spend 160, and then have to spend 300+ on a proper, working gun shortly thereafter.

Trust the experience and wisdom on this forum. Nothing good can come of cheaping out. We see this all the time. Noobs come in here making posts exactly like your opening post.

People will proceed to explain, much as they have here, why NOT to do it and to spend more and get a good gun instead. .

Next the noobs with either proceed to get all mouthy and tell us we don't know what we're talking about and that they're going to get them, or they just fall silent and never reply.

Within a couple of weeks, said noob is posting in the gun doc section asking for help with their brand new gun they paid $150 for that broke after firing less than 1 mag.

Hence my earlier post calling for bets that the next time we'd hear from you (since you hadn't yet replied) would be your post asking for help with a broken gun.
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Old April 26th, 2012, 13:02   #14
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the reasonable guns start around 300-350.. though the TAS velocity arms stuff is not terrible starter stuff, there's better for a bit more. If you are just buying a gun and not factoring the rest of the cost to get proper safety equipment to play, then you need to quadruple your amount.

ballistic eyewear 100-160
gun 300-400
extra magazine or two 50-60

reasonably good boots to protect your ankles are optional, but I don't like being laid up for a month or more because I wrecked an ankle.
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Old April 26th, 2012, 13:50   #15
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Marks warehouse has some pretty good swat boots, Im in the forces and wear them over the boots the issue us. 120 for them last time i checked
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