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N00B maintanence


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Old March 14th, 2012, 12:01   #1
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N00B maintanence

Ive played paintball for years and could strip the guns clean them and put them back together like clockwork but i havnt the slightest clue when it comes to my G&G M16 CQB C, all i know is that the brass barell wiggles and theres a gearbox somewhere in there lol the manuel was as useful as a paper house in the rain.

how do you maintain an AEG rifle? so my $500.00 gun doesnt become a decoration.

and how do you upgrade airsoft guns such as barrel sizes and exchange parts?

srry if this has been posted before i did look for same posts.
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Old March 14th, 2012, 12:10   #2
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Usually, AEGs dont require much maintenance other than cleaning/oiling the barrel and maybe oiling the magazine spring once in a while. That's why they're great starter guns. Just keep the battery charged and you're good to go.

Depending on the gun, changing out inner barrels is usually not too difficult. Getting to the gearbox is a little more complicated, but there are tutorials on here/youtube/other sites that should be able to walk you through it.

If you want a gun that you can strip down and clean, get a gas powered pistol/rifle.
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Old March 14th, 2012, 12:43   #3
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ok just dont want the gear box to ceas up or anything like that.

typical :S i was wanting to get away from gas guns do to the limitations :banghead:
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Old March 14th, 2012, 12:47   #4
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When done using it, fire 2 shots in semi to ensure the chamber is clear, and your spring is decompressed.

Past that, clean your barrel every 2-3 games, depending how many rounds you put down range.
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Old March 14th, 2012, 13:01   #5
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Depends on how anal you are. Can be as simple as barrel cleaning, or go all the way by clean and relube everything, clean and regreasing the mechbox. Although a full tune up isn't absolutely necessary, it will decrease the chances of the gun malfunctioning.

Everything will wear down and break eventually, it's all about economizing. Either spend more time maintaining or spend money replacing. Now you decide if your time is worth it!
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Old March 14th, 2012, 13:09   #6
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I love cleaning my pistol. I find it strangely relaxing. I'm really considering getting a WE open bolt PDW mainly because I want to clean it and they're cheap.

As for my AEG, I just clean my inner barrel, I'm too scared to go near the mech box. I just had a bunch of work done to it so I should be good for awhile.
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Old March 14th, 2012, 13:12   #7
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I'm new to all of this as well and my AEG is currently getting downgraded and I've been doing a lot of research and reading as to maintenance and what not. This link from Airsoft GI was a ton of help when it comes to the anatomy of an AEG. I'm one of those anal types when it comes to maintenance so when I go pick up my gun I'm going to ask as many questions as I can and if they have time run me through the breakdown of the gun so I know what to do, what not to do and what to leave for the gun docs. Notes will be taken because $500 is a lot of money and last thing I want to do is spend more money on improper maintenance.

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Old March 14th, 2012, 13:42   #8
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This is your bible:

The G&G out of the box is actually not that bad. You don't need to do anything to it until end of the season where I'd take it apart and shim the gears properly, regrease the gears, do the Angle of Engagement mod, and maybe toss a new spring in there depending on it you want a bit more "oomph", say an M110 or M120 depending on your compression (NB: Not necessary however you might as well while you're in there since it's a ~$15 upgrade, also the field limits are limits, not goals. I'm happy with anywhere between 380-399 FPS on .20's for an outdoor gun and I bring it down even further with .28's). Also while you're in there and have the hop up and barrel out might as well clean the barrel properly with silicone oil on a wipe and change out the hop up bucking to something like a Guarder Clear, or Prommy Purple or whatever the cool kids are using these days.
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Old March 14th, 2012, 14:23   #9
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I know it's not for everyone but the first thing I do after getting a new gun and after staring at it for a few days in rapture... is to send it to my favorite gun doc.

He takes it apart, cleans the gearbox, make sure everything works well together (downgrades the spring if needed) reshim/relubes the gearbox. Replaces the crappy plastic parts and wiring manufacturers insist on installing to save cost and ruin their reputation and installs dean connectors. He installs any new parts I have for it (UBR stock, front kits whatever) and makes the upgrades I need all at the same time.

It's not for every budget but on the other hand, I don't have 6 crappy guns that cost a fortune in maintenance and never work properly. I have two excellent guns that shoot far and straight, 1 excellent pistol, 1 nice WW2 Thompson that will go through the process soon, just got the wood kit and the metal lower for it. Name another serious sport that don't take their equipment to a professionnal!

Don't buy cheap and dont skimp on good upgrades that work well together. The worst thing you can do in any project (not just airsoft) is to buy a cheap piece of 废话 and try to make it work as well as a quality item by adding a ton of parts that are not made to work together as a whole.

Regarding maintenance, 100% oil free silicon on a rag through the barrel twice in the summer. Dont leave any oil in the barrel and don't go all the way you might break the rubber hopup. Send the gun to your Gundoc during the winter season to repair/replace any item that is broken or on the point of breaking. A squirt of silicon oil in your mags twice in the summer or after playing in the rain. Dont over do it, it will trap dirt and create more problems then good.

Sorry for rambling
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Old March 14th, 2012, 20:01   #10
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
This is your bible:
No.. no it really isn't.. Why the heck do you guys keep recommending this site?

Have any of you actually gone to it lately? Because I've been checking fairly often over the months to see if it's ever coming back. It's been variously defunct since last summer.

For many months it was serving malware, and then they took everything offline in promise of the "new" 2012 content by January. It's now March. I think we can safely assume ain't coming back for a while and that there's something up with the project. Even when it was up, there were only a few videos, hardly enough to constitute a bible.

Your bible should really be Standard Tech at Airsoft Mechanics ( ) and YouTube channels like Echo1Techsupport. I am hesitant to recommend ASTKilo23's channel because he makes so many inaccurate statements, but at least he has a ton of videos showing disassembly from 100s of different angles.

Hell, even one week of ASTKilo23's YouTube channel is more than the entire filmed content of Let's put that recommendation to bed already !
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Old March 14th, 2012, 20:32   #11
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
No.. no it really isn't.. Why the heck do you guys keep recommending this site?
Sorry, wow I didn't even know. I just have that site memorized and it was alright for being back in the day, haven't been there for at least 8 months now. Anyways I'll start recommending your other suggestions thanks (and I might even learn a thing or two from those other places you mentioned Maciek).
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Old March 14th, 2012, 22:59   #12
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Sorry, wow I didn't even know. I just have that site memorized and it was alright for being back in the day, haven't been there for at least 8 months now. Anyways I'll start recommending your other suggestions thanks (and I might even learn a thing or two from those other places you mentioned Maciek).
On second thought, my apologies for the overly-spirited smackdown above I'm pretty sure I've recommended some things assuming they're in a stable state as well!
"Mah check"

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Old March 14th, 2012, 23:41   #13
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Originally Posted by Jcotter View Post
I love cleaning my pistol. I find it strangely relaxing.
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Old March 15th, 2012, 01:32   #14
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
On second thought, my apologies for the overly-spirited smackdown above I'm pretty sure I've recommended some things assuming they're in a stable state as well!
Don't worry dude. I have thick skin, I can take a flaming/smackdown. We're all kind of keyboard commandos anyways.
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Old March 15th, 2012, 02:29   #15
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
Your bible should really be Standard Tech at Airsoft Mechanics ( ) and YouTube channels like Echo1Techsupport. I am hesitant to recommend ASTKilo23's channel because he makes so many inaccurate statements, but at least he has a ton of videos showing disassembly from 100s of different angles.
+1 for ASM and ASTKilo23.
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