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To: Kingstonians: Army Surplus & Adventure Outfitters = Good or bad?


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Old July 31st, 2009, 20:05   #1
formerly Lythinca
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To: Kingstonians: Army Surplus & Adventure Outfitters = Good or bad?

Hey guys. My parents were in the Kingston area today (Where my brother was born.)

They saw a pretty big place called: "Army Surplus & Adventure Outfitters".

They went inside and said the store sold airsoft guns, BBs, green gas, paintball guns, and military combat clothing. (and even real CF cadpat.)

Have any of you ever been to this place? Are their guns good, or bad? I went to their website:

Their clothing seems moderatly price.

My parents got a really good quality olive drab backpack, from 1990. Its geat.
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old July 31st, 2009, 20:25   #2
Ministry of Peace
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1. The airsoft guns they sell are shitty crossman type "soft air", don't waste your time.

2. The owner will sell to anyone, regardless of age. I've brought the concept of asking for ID and if he'd voluntarily adopt a 18+ policy" and he was not interested.

3. He's a war profiteer. When I was getting ready for deployment, I bought a set of SWAT boots from his store, paid $79.99. Long story short, a few people saw them and wanted a set, so I sent them his way. Two weeks later the price was $99.99, then $119.99 a week after that. His justification was "demand"; bullshit, he was taking advantage of the fact that a roto was getting ready to leave for overseas from Kingston, and jacking his prices up so he could gouge soldiers.

I have since not given him any of my business.

*PS: You appear to be a minor, just a heads up you may have a hard time finding a place to play/procure airsoft guns until you reach the age of 18.

Last edited by Kokanee; July 31st, 2009 at 20:27..
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Old July 31st, 2009, 20:33   #3
formerly Lythinca
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Don't worry Im 18. Im in the process of meeting up with a Verifier.

The bag my parents bought me was like $50. Very expensive for a olive drab bag. I just cant tell them that. Also, I cant tell them that it doesnt blend with my Marpat uniform.
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old July 31st, 2009, 20:35   #4
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
1. The airsoft guns they sell are shitty crossman type "soft air", don't waste your time.

2. The owner will sell to anyone, regardless of age. I've brought the concept of asking for ID and if he'd voluntarily adopt a 18+ policy" and he was not interested.

3. He's a war profiteer. When I was getting ready for deployment, I bought a set of SWAT boots from his store, paid $79.99. Long story short, a few people saw them and wanted a set, so I sent them his way. Two weeks later the price was $99.99, then $119.99 a week after that. His justification was "demand"; bullshit, he was taking advantage of the fact that a roto was getting ready to leave for overseas from Kingston, and jacking his prices up so he could gouge soldiers.

I have since not given him any of my business.

*PS: You appear to be a minor, just a heads up you may have a hard time finding a place to play/procure airsoft guns until you reach the age of 18.
Wow, thanks for the heads up.

I was there a couple months back looking at what they had, and saw the SWAT and Magnum boots and considered picking up a pair at a later date. They were in the $100-$150 range. So yea.
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Old July 31st, 2009, 20:38   #5
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Originally Posted by Lythinca View Post
Don't worry Im 18....The bag my parents bought me.....
My apologies, it's just that you said "my parents" three times over two posts, I just assumed....

Anyway, get AV'd and you will get access to the 18+ classifieds here and there are loads of AEG's etc to purchase.

For gear, Ft Drum is just across the border, great place to pick up cheap BDU's and gear at the surplus store (Bradley's).
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Old July 31st, 2009, 20:40   #6
formerly Lythinca
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Alright! Thanks for the tip!
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old July 31st, 2009, 21:10   #7
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Unless your parents are airsofters then any airgun or softairgun might pass for an airsoft gun
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Old August 1st, 2009, 10:19   #8
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
1. The airsoft guns they sell are shitty crossman type "soft air", don't waste your time.

2. The owner will sell to anyone, regardless of age. I've brought the concept of asking for ID and if he'd voluntarily adopt a 18+ policy" and he was not interested.

3. He's a war profiteer. When I was getting ready for deployment, I bought a set of SWAT boots from his store, paid $79.99. Long story short, a few people saw them and wanted a set, so I sent them his way. Two weeks later the price was $99.99, then $119.99 a week after that. His justification was "demand"; bullshit, he was taking advantage of the fact that a roto was getting ready to leave for overseas from Kingston, and jacking his prices up so he could gouge soldiers.
I have since not given him any of my business.

*PS: You appear to be a minor, just a heads up you may have a hard time finding a place to play/procure airsoft guns until you reach the age of 18.
Everything is 100% right except he also sells the velocity arms G&G guns now.... at $100-$300 more than velocity arms sells them....

Just to let you know how "good" he is, when i first started clearsofting (age 16) He sold us a couple pairs of "oh yeah these are army rated ballistic protective" glasses.... a few weeks ago i was visiting my parents and found all these glasses... tested them with my M16...... bbs didn't even slow down after going through them.....we were fucking lucky nobody lost an eye because of that shit....

Last edited by AngelusNex; August 1st, 2009 at 10:23..
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Old August 1st, 2009, 12:33   #9
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I dealt with a guy who has joined the CF and picked up a new G&G MP5 from there and Its having feed problems outta the box. He went back looking for help and was sold two more mags. Funny that didn't fix his feed trouble. He's not interested in playing anymore as he's goten a sour taste for it. But for what he's paid for a G&G he'll be hard pressed to sell it with out taking a serious loss on it and it still has a feed problem.
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Old August 1st, 2009, 13:56   #10
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I just want to say, WHAT THE HELL is with so many asshat surplus stores. I've heard this story about half of dozen times THIS YEAR. Have these people no love for what they do / sell?

Army Issue, you're not included in that rant
I'm drinking wine and eating cheese, catching some rays, you know.
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Old August 1st, 2009, 16:35   #11
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+1 to the criticisms above.
Though they do have a "Kingston Zombie Defence League" t-shirt in the window that makes me giggle when I walk by.
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Old August 1st, 2009, 16:37   #12
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
I dealt with a guy who has joined the CF and picked up a new G&G MP5 from there and Its having feed problems outta the box. He went back looking for help and was sold two more mags. Funny that didn't fix his feed trouble. He's not interested in playing anymore as he's goten a sour taste for it. But for what he's paid for a G&G he'll be hard pressed to sell it with out taking a serious loss on it and it still has a feed problem.
The employees also mess around with the guns all the time... so basically they are heavily abuse (1000+ dry fire) for 1.5x standard new sale price.

And they are more than likely the ones who cause the misfeeding in the first place.
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Old August 1st, 2009, 16:44   #13
formerly Lythinca
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Wow, this place has some bad rep.

I'm going to be taking a trip down there again to return the bag I got, as olive drab doesnt blend in with marpat too well. (I just hope this place honours their warranty.)

If I see one of them dry firing, I'll make sure to be like "Hey, you know that damages the gearbox on the gun...."
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old August 1st, 2009, 16:49   #14
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Originally Posted by Lythinca View Post
Wow, this place has some bad rep.

I'm going to be taking a trip down there again to return the bag I got, as olive drab doesnt blend in with marpat too well. (I just hope this place honours their warranty.)

If I see one of them dry firing, I'll make sure to be like "Hey, you know that damages the gearbox on the gun...."
they don't do refunds, only in store credit.....
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Old August 1st, 2009, 16:51   #15
formerly Lythinca
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Thats what I meant, as Im going to end up buying/swapping it for another more compatible bag.
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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