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New to Airsoft and Interested and Have Questions


Newbie Tank

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Old November 13th, 2011, 20:22   #1
Join Date: Nov 2011
New to Airsoft and Interested and Have Questions

Hello there, new guy signing in, green as the grass.

I've fired a couple of airsofts before, one was an AK replica, the other was a Beretta 92 replica. I was very impressed with both although this was over 10 years ago. As a firearms enthusiast and owner, I would like to target shoot as often as possible, but the price of ammunition has gone up tremendously the past several years. I've read about the advantages of airsoft guns for people such as myself, who would like to shoot more but at minimal costs. In a nutshell, dryfire just doesn't cut it anymore, sadly.

I've read about the GBB versions of the M4 as being most similar to the real McCoy. I would like to know which manufacturer of M4 GBBRs that hold your recommendations. Money is not really an issue, so long as the said GBBR is of quality design and least likely to breakdown. I am quite meticulous about maintenance of firearms and enjoy the process of maintaining them, so doing the same for an airsoft gun is no problem here. I would like to practice frequently with the GBBR, maybe even daily, so a durable model which you can recommend and that replicates M4 handling is something I would like to hear about from you.

Thanks for taking time to answer this query.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 21:04   #2
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Most similar to real steel recoil and durable (OOTB) will never happen. The 3 main companies you'll likely be concerning yourself with are Western Arms (WA), Wei Tech (WE) and KJ Works/Tanio Koba (KJW/TK).

If you want most similar, people are saying that the WA GBBR systems are the most similar but have a host of durability issues and you'll spend a small fortune on reinforced/upgraded parts.

If you want most reliable I would say it's a choice between either the WE Open Bolt system or the KJ Works/Tanio Koba M4.

If you want something that out of the box will work and don't mind the least realistic blow back action the KJW M4 is probably the best, but watch out for the "rubber band issue", a stupid engineering design on the manufacturers side where they literally use a rubber band that can on occasion snap.

If you can spend a bit of money on something nicer. There are "nicer" guns out there like Inokatsu but you'll be spending a small fortune in order to acquire one in Canada. Then there's the "classic" systems like Daytonagun, Sun Project, Escort, etc. Only problem is that they're not really realistic in that they require the use of a remote line connected to HPA but the kick on the Daytonagun is out of this world supposedly due to the steel parts in it (possibly CNC'ed as well so they're really nice).
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Old November 13th, 2011, 21:13   #3
Join Date: Nov 2011
This is very helpful. Thank you, now I can research these suggestions.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 21:30   #4
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Whatever you choose to pick up, get in touch with your local group and get age verified. The real nifty stuff can pretty much only be found in the classified, especially if you want to invest in top-tier GBBRs like the Inokatsu line.

No need to play if it isn't your cup of tea but you'll realise a lot of airsoft enthusiasts are also firearms owners.

In what region are you?
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Old November 26th, 2011, 00:24   #5
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maybe because it is not legal to shoot people with real AR so airsoft is the next best thing. And it is fun to run around doing Milsim activities. I play paintball and it is fun too but is way too fast and not much realism compared to paintball where it can run 2-3 hours per game.
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Old November 26th, 2011, 01:09   #6
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Most realistic GBBR option you could go for is the Inokatsu M4, however it is very expensive as it is one of the most well made GBBRs out there.

There is also the G&P WOC system which is based off the WA system. Most of the GBBR systems of there right now are based off the WA system except for WE and KJW.
Companies like G&P WOC, VFC and King Arms all base their systems off the WA system.
you could try those.
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Old November 26th, 2011, 02:00   #7
Brian McIlmoyle
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I'm a full on WE-TARD .. and a strong believer in their guns..

not too expensive, upgrade parts a plentiful and work, and the guns are easy to work on and fix.

and they perform pretty well once tuned ( much like an AEG)

All GBBRs require regular maintenance, cleaning and care using proper materials and methods.
they need pre-use checks and cleaning and post use checks and cleaning in order to keep them working reliably.

lots of new players buy GBBRs and can't keep them running because they don't know how to care for them..
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Old November 26th, 2011, 02:26   #8
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You'll obviously want something that doesn't break down every other time you take it out, and FYI most GBBR's are highly prone to the cold due to being (typically) propane powered.
The KJW M4 is renowned as the most reliable base, also works pretty well through a variety of temperatures.
And the WE 'open bolt' series is also highly reliable, with the advantage that you can buy CO2 mags for it that work much better in cold temps
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