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Trigger Locks & Transportation



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Old June 18th, 2005, 14:35   #1
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Trigger Locks & Transportation

Hey guys, just wanted to share a story with fellow member that are in the York Region Area. Last night i was dropping my car home, knowing it to be a Friday night and cops are out catching the hooligan street racers. As I rounded the corner to my house, the cherries turn on and pulled me over.

To make a long story short. I'll cut out the modified car question, and calling MTO to inspect my car and get to the 'airsoft' part.

The 2 cops were flashing their lights in me car. before they questioned me about the black gun bag. I told them, "I have something to tell you, but you have to relax first and I will stand away from my car." That's when I told them i had an airsoft pistol in that bag. They asked if it was trigger locked and pulled out the bag to look. As they were inspecting the pistol, they told me that I was lucky that I trigger locked it or i would be cuffed and in the back of the cruiser.

The cops explained to me that it doesn't matter if it's airsoft or real, back seat or trunk, bag or gun case. The trigger must be locked up during transport.

So for anyone here that has questioned it. There is your answer. Atleast for York Region area.
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Old June 18th, 2005, 14:41   #2
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Trigger lock this.

Sounds like they were being a bit of an arse. Local police here want them in a case out of sight. I did call and ask them that.
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Old June 18th, 2005, 14:42   #3
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Do you have to have the trigger locked if it's in a locked gun case? (not a soft case, a hard one)
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Old June 18th, 2005, 14:51   #4
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Tankdude: haha, that would be had to trigger lock. Nah, these officers were very friendly, which surprised me. They kept telling me how nice my was.

Randas: They told me at all times there must be a trigger lock during transport, because at first glance it is very difficult for them to tell whether its a fake gun or real gun.

OH, one more thing they told me was, good thing I told them i was transporting a firearm. Because if I didn't and they found it, whether its locked or not, I will be cuffed up in the back of the cruiser.
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Old June 18th, 2005, 15:10   #5
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First off, I understand the concern for safety and all that, but calling an airsoft pistol a firearm seems a tad far fetched to me. Secondly, as far as I can remember, you need 2 locks for a pistol. 1 trigger lock on the pistol and the pistol locked up in a pistol case or some other form of locked "container". Those are the requirements for real steel, not Airsoft pistols (although it's a good idea for safety reasons in Airsoft, but not so you don't get arrested for having a BB pistol) Thirdly, can they really cuff you and take you in for an airsfot gun????? What are they playing at? I can understand if you started waving it at them screaming "hey, look at my cool airsoft pistol!!!", then I can see cause for arrest, but to tell you that you would be cuffed and put in the back of the cruiser just for having a bloody BB gun is absurd (IMO). If you simply said what you originally said and they found it without a trigger lock, I'm sure they wouldn't have cuffed you, or would they have? It's always good practice to keep your pistols and AEG's in cases, but I think more for safety reasons and not for legal reasons. Can anyone who actually knows the law comment on this? Am I being a little too naive to be a little frustrated by what those cops said??

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Old June 18th, 2005, 15:16   #6
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what now i need to get a 13 dollar trigger lock for both of my guns, you got to be kiding me. Are the rules changing in the FAQ?
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Old June 18th, 2005, 15:37   #7
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Kwaidan: I know exactly what you mean about them going to such extremes with an airsoft pistol. But i do hope that there is someone here that might know the rules and regulations for transporting an airsoft rifle or pistol.

Put it this way. My house was just 6 house down the street and he wouldn't escort me to my house to grab a tool to open my hood. He said that, he doesn't know who i am and i could be "a pycho" and pull out an "axe" and attack him. lol
I guess it's just for their safety, that they want these things secured =/
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Old June 18th, 2005, 20:33   #8
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That's weird. My CFSC instructor taught us that as long as the firearm is unloaded and out of sight, it can be legally transported. He even said you can keep it on the floor in the back of your car under a blanket and it is legal. All of this is not recommended but he said it is legal. He also said a trigger lock is not mandatory. Was anyone else told this in their canadian firearms safety course?
Originally Posted by Sadiztix
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Old June 18th, 2005, 22:03   #9
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In the end it's all about showing that you are transporting these in the safest and most responsible way possible. For me, that's locked in a hard guncase, with trigger locks. It's still not going to guarantee anything, but it shows that you are being responsible with them, and that's their biggest concern.
- "dman"
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Old June 18th, 2005, 22:03   #10
made Man
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regarding AUGs... you cant trigger lock that, but i take it apart and it doenst look like a gun anymore
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Old June 18th, 2005, 22:08   #11
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Or you could just keep your stuff in the trunk, given that police aren't allowed to peak in unless you give them permission
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old June 18th, 2005, 23:09   #12
Freedom Fighter
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Airsoft guns are not firearms and DO NOT require a trigger lock. Personally I don't think they are a bad idea, but that aside, it's not like police never lie to intimidate or scare people.

I was once told by an officer that he could arrest me because I did not have my ID on my person at the time. He said he would be nice and do me a favour and let me off the hook with a warning. I laughed in his face.

Although I personally don't use trigger locks or locks on my gun cases they are certainly not a bad idea.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old June 19th, 2005, 01:48   #13
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Airsoft guns are not firearms and DO NOT require a trigger lock. Personally I don't think they are a bad idea, but that aside, it's not like police never lie to intimidate or scare people.

I was once told by an officer that he could arrest me because I did not have my ID on my person at the time. He said he would be nice and do me a favour and let me off the hook with a warning. I laughed in his face.

Although I personally don't use trigger locks or locks on my gun cases they are certainly not a bad idea.
Cops... typically don't lie.... but it is very possible they they ***don't know the law *** and make it up on the spot

some Cops.. like most people, go through their day "faking it" hoping no one notices.

There are a lot of laws... can't expect them to keep them all straight..
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Old June 19th, 2005, 01:54   #14
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Thought about a new question today. Not sure if anyone has talked about this before. Given the fact that airsoft guns are not reals guns. Aren't they still considered a type of firearm? And if anyone answers no to this. Then why all the problems trying to get airsoft guns into Canada =P (if they look real enuff, it can be a firearm at first glance no?)

I heard from someone a while back that if you are transporting a firearm and you are stop by the police. You must let the officers know that you have a firearm in the car.
Is this true?

If only i remembered this last night i could have asked them =/
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Old June 19th, 2005, 03:13   #15
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Airsoft guns are not firearms and DO NOT require a trigger lock. Personally I don't think they are a bad idea, but that aside, it's not like police never lie to intimidate or scare people.

I was once told by an officer that he could arrest me because I did not have my ID on my person at the time. He said he would be nice and do me a favour and let me off the hook with a warning. I laughed in his face.

Although I personally don't use trigger locks or locks on my gun cases they are certainly not a bad idea.
Bullshit. I bet he horribly maimed your face and that's why you wear that man burka. :lol:
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