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L96 Question


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Old February 15th, 2011, 21:41   #1
Join Date: May 2010
L96 Question

Ive got myself an L96 which is bone stock at the moment. Using lowly .2's the accuracy at 100 feet is usually about 20 feet wide it seems. By upgrading to .4's or even .43's will I see an increase in the accuracy? Are .4's and above the right choice for it? Im not quite sure if .4 will be too heavy for it although I think that .4's will be just right.

Thanks in advance!


PS. This is a question about AMMO not the fact that I havent and wont put a ton of money into the gun. Im not looking for precision RealSteal sniper rifle grade shots here, im just looking for a much tighter grouping that will make it actually usefull in games instead of just hoping and aiming to the left or right of the target by 4 feet in order to try to get a hit.
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Old February 15th, 2011, 21:47   #2
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You could try .28 and try adjusting the hop up.

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Old February 15th, 2011, 21:47   #3
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The weight of the BB wont really increase your overall accuracy. It will assist in increasing the distance the BB can travel.

Perhaps a new hop up rubber or an adjustment of the existing hopup rubber and a good barrel cleaning will help.

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Old February 15th, 2011, 21:49   #4
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New hop up rubber will do wonders, L96 stock is is usually 6.07 or 6.05, upgrading to a 6.03 inner barrel will increase accuracy as well consistency in groupings
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Old February 15th, 2011, 21:50   #5
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How should I be washing my barrel then? I'm not sure what I should use in fear of damaging the barrel. Also, how do I remove the hop-up unit from the L96? I Know how to from an AEG, but is it similar?

Right now I've got the hop-up turned all the way off to stop the BB's from flying wayyyyy off the map. Will the heavier BB's allow the hop-up to do its job and keep the shots on a better trajectory?
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Old February 15th, 2011, 22:07   #6
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Dont "wash" your barrel.
- use a silicon spray with a cloth rod
- With patch on rod, insert in into barrel to clean
- Use an in and out motion
- Swab barrel 3-4 times
- Repeat swabbing procedure with a dry patch
- When patches come out clean after dry swabbing, you are finished

If your gun is brand new, try cleaning your barrel and adjusting your hop up first.

Last edited by XPknight; February 15th, 2011 at 22:10..
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Old February 15th, 2011, 22:25   #7
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Old February 15th, 2011, 22:30   #8
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Barrel spacers will make spectacular results for accuracy, range wise itll help the consistency of the groupings, just make sure to use electrical tape so your barrel spacers dont move around or get stuck with the gun when you try to remove the barrel for future purposes

Well i don't know about AEGs, but for a BA rifle you have to screw the hop up all the way in other wise the barrel won't come out, remove the hop up bucking, then just pull off the hop up rubber. The best hop up rubber possible is Firefly hard type, thing is, it's extremely hard to find in Canada, I know a website back in the USA that sells it, but it flies off the shelves as soon as it is in stock. And if you do use Firefly, get the adapter thing that allows AEG barrels to be used otherwise it wont work for the L96 (usually) if this a Well L96
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Last edited by SniperSam; February 15th, 2011 at 22:35..
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Old February 15th, 2011, 22:53   #9
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If your rifle shoot a 20 feets grouping at 100fts, you got a problem.
Sound like your L96 is a cheap copy. Those are often shooting too hard/fast.
Lower the fps to 400-450fps.

Putting heavyer BBs will give you a smooter and more concistant trajectory. Heavy BBs are less affected by wind.

Don't oil your barel. Clean it untill your cloth is completely clean and dry. If you have black residue or oily residue, it will stick to the BB and affect it's flightpath. Clean your BBs too. If they are oily, they won't catch on the hopup consistently and will deviate.

Don't try to upgrade a cheap copy rifle. You will be loosing your money. It's like building a race car on a Kia Forte.

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Old February 16th, 2011, 15:43   #10
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If your rifle shoot a 20 feets grouping at 100fts, you got a problem.
It doesn't actually shoot 20 foot groupings at 100ft, that was an exaggeration. But the groupings are quite far apart. The shots never seem to have much consistency in them it feels. With the .4's will the hop-up be able to keep more control of the shots?
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Old February 16th, 2011, 17:39   #11
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Originally Posted by Pyrohair View Post
It doesn't actually shoot 20 foot groupings at 100ft, that was an exaggeration. But the groupings are quite far apart. The shots never seem to have much consistency in them it feels. With the .4's will the hop-up be able to keep more control of the shots?
Not necessarily, but again, telling us what brand it is would help a lot. The .4s will only make it stay on target longer, if you have a bad hop up rubber, it wont matter
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Old February 16th, 2011, 18:11   #12
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Heavier BB will make your gun more accurate over the distance you're shooting at. Reason being is it's a heavier projectile and therefore and as anyone who has taken Gr. 10 physics can tell you is harder to make it deviate (via wind shear, and other atmospheric anomalies). That said, it will only do so much.

I'd say start off with .30's or .36's first before going up to .4's

Finally, I disagree with FOX on the "washing your BB's" thing. Sure it allows the hop up to work it's magic because the BB offers a more "grippy" surface BUT one of the dangers I have heard of why you shouldn't do that is because there is a chance that it might tear your hop up rubber. However for a sniper rifle that doesn't shoot that many rounds it's probably not a terribly huge problem but I'd be worried if it was done to BB's that would be put into an LMG or a regular AEG that might fire a lot more BB's than a sniper rifle. Personally I still wouldn't wash my BB's if I had a sniper rifle.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 19:32   #13
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I am not quite sure of the make as it was bought from someone here in town and I didnt get a chance to ask him what the brand was. I have looked all over the body and I have not seen any sign of any markings of brand or make. Is there something inside the body or something where I can find a brand make? I think it was a TSD though, I forget where I heard that. Might not be.

Last edited by Pyrohair; February 16th, 2011 at 19:35..
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Old February 16th, 2011, 20:36   #14
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Originally Posted by Pyrohair View Post
I am not quite sure of the make as it was bought from someone here in town and I didnt get a chance to ask him what the brand was. I have looked all over the body and I have not seen any sign of any markings of brand or make. Is there something inside the body or something where I can find a brand make? I think it was a TSD though, I forget where I heard that. Might not be.

No name, clone. That's my rule; basically if you want your L96 to fire consistenly and beautifully, you'll need to get barrel spacers, a hard type firefly hop up rubber, the BA to AEG conversion kit for barrels, and thats pretty much it, the rest of the internals, especially the spring guide, you'll want to replace, with Laylax if you're on a budget, Prometheus, and then eventually PDI
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Old February 16th, 2011, 20:47   #15
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Ok sweet. On a nice L96 where do they put the branding info anyways?
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