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Crossman airsoft?


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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:31   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Crossman airsoft?

So, I've been looking into airsoft for quite a while now, and I have a few questions about Crossman airsoft guns.
1: Are any of the internals metal?
2: Are they good at all?
3: I've heard that the shotguns are ok, and work good with .28's.
If anyone could reply, that would be awesome lol. And i know, they are probably traps for basement tinkering and not good for OP's lol.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:34   #2
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Originally Posted by zakizdaman View Post
So, I've been looking into airsoft for quite a while now, and I have a few questions about Crossman airsoft guns.
1: Are any of the internals metal?
2: Are they good at all?
3: I've heard that the shotguns are ok, and work good with .28's.
If anyone could reply, that would be awesome lol. And i know, they are probably traps for basement tinkering and not good for OP's lol.

Seriously, There are so many better options out there for you.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:35   #3
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The crossman shotgun has been used by some ASC members with success.

However, I highly suggest you avoid buying a springer if you intend on attending games. Frankly its like buying a 250cc motorcycle for your first bike. It will not satisfy you and will end up being nothing but a waste of money. Save your cash and get age verified and check the classifieds. There are some good deals to be had.

If this is for plinking and general fun. then yes the crossman shotguns are not horrible.

Lets review.

If your just buying it for shooting cans in your basement. Sure.

If your planning on going to games, save your money and get age verified. AEG's are a different world and are the best entry point for our sport.

take it from me, 11 years ago I wasted my money on a springer for my first gun and I regretted it.

Wow Im getting old, it was actually 13 years ago.. sad. It was a micro uzi springer.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:38   #4
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Well you see, I can't get age verified - I'm only 15 (please... don't turn on your flamethrowers). I was just curious as to if the shotguns or aeg's were any good at all, Thanks though.
Btw, as for getting a gun, I'll let my parents do that, and no - Im not circumventing the system.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:47   #5
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Originally Posted by zakizdaman View Post
Well you see, I can't get age verified - I'm only 15 (please... don't turn on your flamethrowers). I was just curious as to if the shotguns or aeg's were any good at all, Thanks though.
Btw, as for getting a gun, I'll let my parents do that, and no - Im not circumventing the system.
Ok thats fair.

If your parents are ok with it then Im not going to judge you.

And don't worry about flamethrowers, your allowed to be interested in the sport but just wait and take your time. I remember when I was 16 and wanted my first motorcycle. My parents forbade me so I went out and got a job, worked for 3 years and bought it with my own money on my own terms. Maybe you should consider doing the same. Because anything earned is always better then something taken/given.

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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:49   #6
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Originally Posted by zakizdaman View Post
Well you see, I can't get age verified - I'm only 15 (please... don't turn on your flamethrowers). I was just curious as to if the shotguns or aeg's were any good at all, Thanks though.
Btw, as for getting a gun, I'll let my parents do that, and no - Im not circumventing the system.
Well if your parents buy for you, this means that you'll still have a airsoft gun....but meh.... be responsable with it....

BTW: I've been waiting for 2 years now.... and trust me... the wait is really good to learn airsoft related stuff....
Read the FAQ (bla bla bla...)...enjoy the forum, and when you'll be 18 you'll be a responsible airsofter....
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:50   #7
Con Murder
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Crossman AEG is not anything like a game ready AEG. Crossman is like Duplo and quality airsoft is Lego.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:53   #8
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Originally Posted by Con Murder View Post
Crossman AEG is not anything like a game ready AEG. Crossman is like Duplo and quality airsoft is Lego.
I've read around alot, its more like crossman is the glued together melted lego, and quality airsoft is metal lego, that you can actually modify lol.
I'm assuming that crossman's aren't modifyable?
And by parents buying i mean not buying illeigaly from other people w/ my money, i just mean them buying with my money.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 22:55   #9
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Originally Posted by Con Murder View Post
Crossman AEG is not anything like a game ready AEG. Crossman is like Duplo and quality airsoft is Lego.
Bad analogy.

Dupo is lego for little kids. Its finely crafted and an excellent product for learning spacial mechanics at a young age.

Megablocks to lego would be a better one. Just saying.

Btw, Im selling a bulk lot of lego if anyone is interested..
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 23:07   #10
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By lego you mean airsoft parts, right?
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 23:14   #11
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Originally Posted by zakizdaman View Post
By lego you mean airsoft parts, right?
No, really lego.

Never mind, Im not trying to jack your thread with my non-airsoft related sales thread. I was just laughing because of the lego analogy and I just put up my wifes lego collection for sale.

Back on topic,

Im serious about saving up and getting some nice kit when your old enough. As for the cross man. they are cheap fun if you want to plink in the privacy of your own home. Just be responsible about it.

Personally Ive been "saving" my pennies for a few months now so I can get "back" into the game, its a drag looking at all the sexyness of these toys but its also a great motivator just to read the reviews. And theres always more to learn.

As for crossman aeg's.. Avoid them like the plauge. All clearsoft aeg's are pretty much a waste of your money.
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Old April 3rd, 2010, 23:31   #12
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The only crosman that I would suggest is the S34P that retails for $120.

I've handled the mini MP5 AEG/AEP thing and a Crosman Spring Pistol and your probably wasting your money in those cases.

I guess it's fine if your parents are supervising you and you aren't getting into trouble, just keep it on the down low and don't boast about it. In fact there have been a few minors who have earned the privilege to play with the adults by being smart and introducing themselves properly to the community (I'm talking about "private games" not "public days" where you just have to give the field owner money and you can join in on the fray/gong show).

zakizdaman: That's actually lego, no joke, about $2000 worth of it which I would totally buy if I had kids or wanted some collectors items. I actually remember having Duplo, Megablocks, K'Nex, and Lego. The Lego eventually got mixed in with the Megablocks though and the Duplo got donated but my favourite was K'Nex.
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Old April 4th, 2010, 00:02   #13
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Yeah the only crosman that anyone should buy is the S34P which is a clone of the Tokyo Marui M3. It often drops to about 75$ when on special. Other than that, do not buy any crosman product, not even their BBs. I have the S34P and for the price, it's very decent.
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Old April 4th, 2010, 00:20   #14
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ahahahaha nice. Lego, i have like a hundred pounds of that stuff.

And thanks for the support guys - i got more support here than in JOC definently lol.
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Old April 4th, 2010, 09:03   #15
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The S34P shotgun is very good for the price, and I was the one that pointed out it works great with heavier BBs, namely 0.28g and 0.30g, easy 150ft from it and the spread stays tight.

I also have the Crosman C11 Automag CO2 pistol, it's actually pretty decent too, is NBB and compact. Only drawback is the skinny little 15rd mag, but others are able to be had for about $15 per pair.
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