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best spring pistol for basic plinking


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Old April 12th, 2010, 20:14   #1
Join Date: Apr 2010
best spring pistol for basic plinking

me and my friend have enjoyed doing some paint balling but would like something that is less messy and takes less protection so you can do it more spur of the moment. What is a good spring pistol that would cost under 50$ if possible. If there are good guns that cost a bit more we would probably be fine with that. I only want a spring powered gun, we don't want to have to worry about buying air.

We want a single shot gun, not semi-auto. A pistol would be preferred over a rifle. We live in Manitoba.

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Old April 12th, 2010, 20:16   #2
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Old April 12th, 2010, 20:32   #3
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More spur of the moment???

I hope you're not doing it in a backyard or forest cause encounters with the police/RCMP/ERT are never fun.

I would say get $100 and buy a .177 pellet pistol for plinking pop cans or paper targets or w/e.

Otherwise go to wally world or CT, pick something and just play around with it until it breaks. Springers tend to be pretty reliable but the one at CT I've handled once and I would say it's probably not worth the money, like it's decent but like buying store brand cola, sure it may be cheap but it's low quality and probably worse for you than Coke or Pepsi and definitely not worth it (if you like quality).
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Old April 12th, 2010, 21:10   #4
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Low end to mid quality nerf guns should meet your requirements for something that does not require a lot of protection and is somewhat low cost. You will even save on the cost of BBs as form darts are reusable.

If you are dead set on an cheap airsoft gun you can try the dollar stores, walmarts or Canadian tires in your local area as they shops carry low end soft air guns. Caution even though these are low quality items you should still wear proper eye protection.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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