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G&P m4a1 batterie?


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Old August 9th, 2006, 18:52   #1
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Quebec -> montreal
G&P m4a1 batterie?

i got a batteries with the gun i bought but the owner doesnt know the voltage nor the Mah. does any one know whats the voltage and mah of a batterie that comes with one, and all so is it a small or large batterie. cause the sticker on the batterie is completly faded.
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Old August 9th, 2006, 19:00   #2
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Count the number of cells could tell you how many volts the battery is.

8.4v Note it's 7 cells, 7x1.2v = 8.4v
9.6v Note it's 8 cells, 8x1.2v = 9.6v

As for large or mini, does it fit in the handguard? If it fits, it'll be a mini, large only fits in the full stock.

To find mAH rating on the batteries, you can read the following:

There's a few methods inside to do so.
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Old August 9th, 2006, 19:02   #3
GBB Whisperer
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mAh is most likely 1700mAh

The 2200 mAh cells just got released in HK near the latter half of my trip there and I snatched up a bunch, so the battery you have is MOST LIKELY not this variety.

If the middle cell stick is 1/3rd the length of the two outside ones, then your pack is 8.4v.
If the middle cell stick is 2/3rd the length of the two outside ones, then your pack is 9.6v.

Chances are, it's 9.6v.

It would help if you took a picture of it.

You can feel out the individual cells in the entire pack. If there's 7, then it's 8.4v. If there's 8, then it's 9.6v.

*edit: I'm thinking you're talking about the Crane stock batteries. If not, then ignore most of what I say...

btw, the ones I"m talking about look like this:

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Old August 9th, 2006, 19:13   #4
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Location: Quebec -> montreal
its a batterie that goes in the fix stock of the gun. the package is blue, there 7 battries, and the last batterie is all most as large the 2 rows of batteries.
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Old August 9th, 2006, 19:23   #5
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It's an 8.4v Sub-C large cell pack.

The size is anywhere from 1300mAh to 4200mAh and can be either Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) technology or Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) technology.

If the sticker on the shrink wrap is ruined, you may have to remove the shrink wrap to take a look at the physical cells, but I don't recommend that.

It could be your mysterious battery. But you should at least ask the person who you acquired it from whether the battery is Nickel-Cadmium or if it is Nickel-Metal Hydride.

Pretty much all chargers support Ni-Cd, but not all support Ni-MH. If you put a Ni-MH battery in to a Ni-Cd only charger, you will kill the battery and could potentially cause a safety hazard.
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Old August 9th, 2006, 19:33   #6
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Location: Quebec -> montreal
thanks , will ask him. for my next batterie would you suggest a 8.4 or a 9.6? its got a eg1000 motor inside of it.
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Old August 9th, 2006, 20:46   #7
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You would never really need anything more than an 8.4v 2400mAh large pack. I've had no problems pushing M150+ springs with such a pack.

M120S springs using that pack can last me well over two games.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 17:18   #8
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i talked to him it didnt help much. any idea what type of batteries comes with a G&P m4a1 with a fixe stock?
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Old August 17th, 2006, 18:22   #9
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It can be ANY Mah rating of battery that is 8.4 volts Sub C. Batteries dont come with the gun from the factory.

Get a multimeter and measure it. That should not cost much more than $10 at Canadian Tire.

We cant possibly guess that for you.

BTW, wrong section. Batteries are Accessories.
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Old August 18th, 2006, 21:09   #10
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Quebec -> montreal
just that i tought batteries came with some kind of standar depending on the compagnie. It would be more important to find what type of batterie they are made of, i will see if i can bring the batterie at my job and open them. i got heat shrinks and bunch of other stuff at my job to fix it up after im finish checking. my fear is that the batterie it self is just plainly blank with nothing on it .
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