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Mini Tamiya Connector


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Old June 14th, 2006, 17:29   #1
deep in the bush
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Mini Tamiya Connector

hey does anyone know where in barrie area where i can find some Mini Tamiya Connectors?

i imagine a hobby shop but no luck so far

thanks in advance

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Old June 14th, 2006, 18:00   #2
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Call them up and ask for Deans connectors, they are by far superior to both the large and small Tamiya connectors, a bit more expensive ($7 per set up here but well worth it), but all you need is a soldering iron and some skills to put them on (as opposed to a special crimper and/or soldering iron). Benefit? They are foolproof for plugging in (contacts are 90 from each other) and best is that the full male/female connector is about the same size as half a large Tamiya connector. Buy a pair, one female for your battery, male end for your gun wiring, and one male end to make an adaptor for mating into your charger.
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Old June 14th, 2006, 18:36   #3
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I'm with Stalker on that one. I pay $4 per set for Dean's connectors and they are far superior to the Tamiya (large) or Kyosho (mini) ends. Here's a breakdown on current ratings:

Dean's are rated for 30 amps.

Tamyia are rated for 15 amps.

Kyosho are rated for 10 amps.

Considering the easy availability of Dean's connectors, they are the best choice.

BTW, I have paid as much as $10/connector for the Tamiya and Kyosho in a bind. What a rip-off!!
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Old June 14th, 2006, 18:41   #4
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I've pair $4 for a pair of the Tamiya type large connectors (still buy regular amounts for my upgrade service) but aside from the amperage rating (good info there McGyuver!) the physical size and lack of intermittancy issues with actual Deans connectors (crap, installed a G&P Crane stock and battery last week, the supplied connectors had almost zero resistance to separate them, first time I hooked up the battery to the gun, put the stock on fully retracted, it shot, but extend the stock fully, it disconnected the connector. Replaced the male end with a Deans male end, problem solved. Took less pull to separate the connectors than it did to pull the #18AWG Teflon insulated wire out from it's coiled state!)
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Old June 14th, 2006, 21:04   #5
deep in the bush
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thats really helpful...thanks tons...was wondering if they had a low amp rating...this is great info.... as always... you guys rock!!

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Old June 14th, 2006, 23:40   #6
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Yes, mini Tamiya connectors SUCK ASS. I'll be chopping them off my MP5 shortly since they make a poor connection and cause my gun to stop firing if the battery tilts to the wrong angle. Arcing inside the connector is always a great way to light up the room! :rrr:
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Old June 14th, 2006, 23:45   #7
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Originally Posted by Gryphon
Yes, mini Tamiya connectors SUCK ASS. I'll be chopping them off my MP5 shortly since they make a poor connection and cause my gun to stop firing if the battery tilts to the wrong angle. Arcing inside the connector is always a great way to light up the room! :rrr:
And dare I say melt the connector. Good way to end your game day for a $4 part. I was forced to remove one in my M4 for that and decided to do them all. Now all batteries are interchangable and no "large to small" adapter bullshit. And my charger connector no longer makes intermittant connection if the battery gets bumped.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old June 14th, 2006, 23:48   #8
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Ebay is your friend...

10x pairs of large tamiya
10x pairs of small tamiya
10x pairs of deans

in total I spent I believe $35 including shipping, switching all my guns over to deans and making all the adapters I will ever need to borrow batteries of any kind or lend my batteries to anyone and not worry about different connectors. Also I found out ADD Electronics in Ottawa has spools of the silicone wire used in most AEG's, the super flexible kind so I'm not going to have super brittle adapters.
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Old June 15th, 2006, 00:29   #9
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Originally Posted by mcguyver
I'm with Stalker on that one. I pay $4 per set for Dean's connectors and they are far superior to the Tamiya (large) or Kyosho (mini) ends. Here's a breakdown on current ratings:

Dean's are rated for 30 amps.

Tamyia are rated for 15 amps.

Kyosho are rated for 10 amps.

Considering the easy availability of Dean's connectors, they are the best choice.

BTW, I have paid as much as $10/connector for the Tamiya and Kyosho in a bind. What a rip-off!!
Dont' forget cycle life. Deans and other "good" connectors have a cycle life several hundred times that of molex, or tamyia/kyosho. They also have a much much lower resistance which means more power for your gun. the conenctors will also not melt (they should not) where as the cheap ones will melt if too much current tries to pass through them. Some "good" conenctors are also self cleaning meaning oxidization etc is no longer a concern.
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Old June 15th, 2006, 12:47   #10
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Originally Posted by JohnnyDo
They also have a much much lower resistance which means more power for your gun.
Not true, Stalker has done some hardcore resistance testing with some gear he has at his workplace and the difference between deans and tamiya is insignificant. He can explain in more detail since thats pretty much all he told me.

The advantages of deans connectors is that they are small, the wires dont pull out as easily (the mini connector just fell off my mini battery when I was getting ready before a game), the friction fit between them is excellent (sometimes need pliers to take em apart), and a few other things I cant remember at the moment.
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Old June 15th, 2006, 13:08   #11
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Actually what I said was that adding low resistance wire outside the mechbox while keeping the #18AWG running through the mechbox to the motor the same doesn't do anything. The Deans connectors have larger chunk of metal in them, not the thinner material used in the Tamiya ones, so more metal means lower resistance, less metal is higher. I didn't test the connectors, just let you know "The Way of the Wire". Lol
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Old June 15th, 2006, 13:31   #12
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Ah, so adding a deans connector gives no advantage resistance wise as the wire in the mechbox/motor is still the bottleneck. My bad.

Go english language! So easy to misinterprit.
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Old June 15th, 2006, 13:41   #13
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No, adding a Deans connector can improve it a bit, but adding thicker wire between the mechbox and battery won't do anything at all unless the internal wiring is made bigger as well (which can't really be done due to the tight grooves the wires sit in.)
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Old June 15th, 2006, 14:34   #14
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*sigh* I'll stop talking...
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Old June 15th, 2006, 14:47   #15
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