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Who got you into airsoft, Who put you onto ASC



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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:18   #1
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Who got you into airsoft, Who put you onto ASC

Hi Guys,
Been here a while and new players are all over the board now. I get a fair share at the store via the Internet and walking PBer's that I convert and so on. Theres a lot of differnt stories of how we got int the game. Share yours and maybe we can find a better way to recruit new players on the Boards!

I got dragged into Airsoft by the SnowDragons. Zeon came by the store soon after I opened and started buying up a bunch of Army gear. I had met him before when I managed a POlice store but that was for Security Guard stuff.
He Invited me out to Splatters and I refused the first few Invites but then I tossed some goodies in a Duffle bag and showed up one Thursday night. I was Bowled fking Over by the guys there and the kit they were wearing. ZeonPrime passed me around like a KISS groupie and before longh I was Invited to Join SnowDragons. So I declined the first few offers but hell I was having too much fun so before long I was a SnowDragon. I used to lurk on ASC for a bit but spent most of my posts on the old Snow Dragon Board. But then the players on ASC caught wind of the Business I was in and they dragged me out into the Sun. Yes I used to play a lot and have many fond memories of Shooting and getting shot. Love the Drama, the fun and the players. Thanks guys

Last edited by Armyissue; February 12th, 2010 at 11:23..
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:23   #2
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When i was like 16 i wanted to buy a paintball gun. then i figured it was to much for just playing occasionally. so i just picked up a canadian tire electric handgun. thought it was pretty cool. had no idea this site really existied, or didnt think much of it. since i was 18 ive been watching youtube videos (scoutthedoggie) like everyday and i loved it. but i didnt think airsoft like that existed here in Canada. my friend went to a local army surplus story, and the owner plays airsoft and mentions it. and my friend told me that airsoft actually gets played around here. so i got some of my friends who also like it and we got into it.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:23   #3
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Bought an Omega 93R at the flea market in Montreal back in 2002 (was wanting a pellet pistol but loved the blowback of this and the realism), and later on searched around for info, found guys were playing war with airsoft guns, came across ASC and the site of a local field, then started buying up stuff and guns while reading constantly. Ended up getting a TM G17 springer and a Crosman P99 springer, then my KSC M11, my CA m24 next, then went out to play my first games with them in late 2004. Then bought my first AEG, a TM MP5 (also got my first KSC G19 in that pacakge deal). The rest is history.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:28   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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Cool Thread

I sprung fully formed from the earth.

Sort of...

April 2005- I was doing a web search on the FN P90 ( the gun interested me) and up popped information on Airsoft Replicas... and I was immediately intrigued. The second link on the list was to ASC.

I'd been out of the Army at that point for 13 years .. had sold off all my kit and RS years ago ( First wife was Rabid "anti" which is one of the reasons she is my first wife) But the "itch" was still there.

I figured that Airsoft guns would be effective training tools for CQB .. and I decided to open a CQB training Facility using Airsoft guns. and TTAC3 was born... the rest is as they say , History

So I got myself into airsoft.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; February 12th, 2010 at 11:32..
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:30   #5
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Back in the mid 90's a friend of mine found TM springers on E-Bay and picked up a couple. We started shooting at each other in the basement and it wasn't long before we found out about rifles and started searching on the interwebz. I was part of ASZ back in the day (not an oldtimer unless you know what ASZ was) and came over to Airsoft Canada, Hmmm I don't know four or more board transitions ago? Years ago a guy named Bryce Rollins helped me get started. Some of the really old members will know that name and know what he was about.

Anyways that is my story in a nutshell.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:32   #6
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Friend invited me out to FR for a game of paintball back in 06, some airsofters were there and I switched hahaha.

Friend wasn't too happy, but oh man I was
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:35   #7
aka coachster
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Duckman was in my ear, on and off, about airsoft for the better part of a year or more. Went over to his place one day and saw the Vault and the goodies inside then took a few rounds in the back by 2 GBB's and an AEG. (@ 20 feet I might add) was instantly hooked. Other than when I bought my first car, was the most expensive 12 months to follow.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:39   #8
The Saint
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My father introduced me to airsoft guns when I was around 7-8, and I spent the next 15 years or so trying (on and off, not 15 years straight) to get into airsoft. Moving to Canada and having an anti-gun mother really slowed things down.

IIRC, I found ASC with a random search for airsoft and Canada. I lurked for a little bit before signing up.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:41   #9
Captain Sunshine
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Snake Eyes of the Snowdragons got me into It. I was always intrigued by firearms, and I had known him when he was working retail in my local hobby store. He started sharing stories about airsoft and all the games he went to, which got me very interested. He directed me to ASC and thats how it all started.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:48   #10
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Back in '98 I was looking around the web to see if I could find a place to buy some toy guns like I used to have as a kid and stumbled upon airsoft. Did lots of research and stumbled upon an ad on ASZ from a dude selling a G3A4 in Canada. That dude was Tru Lai and from that point on we created Airsoft Canada together
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Old February 12th, 2010, 11:54   #11
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When I was 14 I was looking on the internet for a Auto 9 replica and landed on a airsoft website and I was shocked and didn't know they were airsoft at the time and thought it was a black market for weapons since I saw a RPG 7 and was scared at the time in till I realize they were replicas.

Then I waited a few years since a friend of mine was shot in the eye and my parents thought I do the same. Then 16 came and the crapsoft I bought was amazing I thought and wasted cash (almost 400$). I bought a Well R6 at 16 and dry firing murdered it and I bought parts to repair but ended up wasting cash.

Then near 18, liukinhei got me into a Hamilton game and so our mini Hamilton group was born and then the story goes on.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 12:03   #12
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Lived next door to Jeroon.. Nuff Said.

Actually i knew about airsoft for a year or so by accidentally comming across red wolf on the net while researching P90. But i never bought an airsoft gun till Jeroon showed me his P90 and getting me on ASC.

So Really, You should blame Jeroon for my presence

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Old February 12th, 2010, 12:05   #13
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blah blah, paintballed through the 90s. Met Ice-Man through work, he introduced me to airsoft in 03, started playing, formed the Snowdragons that same year with Ice-Man and Sandrock, Team Shiolette joined us also that is history.

to all the players who have given Army Issue many many dollars, my most sincere apologies.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 12:15   #14
Join Date: Sep 2009
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ahhh good old cf training with the systema, then came the fascination. we lovemystubby came back from the phillipenes and playedme video of games he had played, shortly after that i got my first gun (id been looking for the better part of 4 years lol) then i started constantly harrasing my friends. now we are slowly growing in numbers here in kitchener. i played paintball for years before airsoft, but when they put that systema ptw in my hand, i had to change my pants and the paintball guns havnt fired a shot since
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Old February 12th, 2010, 12:17   #15
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I was into firearms a long time ago and I've always wanted to get the M1 Garand by Marushin before I knew about the game of airsoft. Then one fateful day while ATVing in California I wiped out and broke my left clavicle into 3 pieces. So I went back to Toronto and was stuck at home for a good month in front of my computer where luckily I stumbled into ASC.
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