PM'ed 4 of the regional AVers and only 1 person has responded (in 3 weeks). Why is it so difficult to do something so simple? I even offered to goto the AVer's location to meet up with them because I know they're doing this in their own spare time.
Sorry just getting a little frustrated because I feel like I'm being treated like a kid (I'm almost 30 for christ' sake!) to have to jump through all these hoops to have access to some of the stuff in the classifieds sections of this forum.
Sigh. I can't goto any games because I'm just starting out and have no equipment whatsoever, so I need to get AVed soon to start buying up stuff, and this delay is really not helping me to get into this hobby at all.
Also, I'm shocked to find that here in Canada we're paying 2x or 3x of what the US airsoft players are paying, equipment-wise

wow... it's like the government doesn't want anyone in Canada to have any kind of fun, not even in a controlled environment.
Sorry for the rant.
A very frustrated newbie.