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Old May 9th, 2009, 12:35   #26
Join Date: Mar 2008
I used one of these for several months- it lasted a long time (gave it to a buddy who now uses it to this day), it had ranges and accuracy that was at par with a NIB TM Beta (we tested them side by side) and are not near as crap as people seem to think.

Still the faux metal is garbage, some parts are clear plastic that really dont need to be, and the mechbox and gears are plastic (though mine still fired at 300fps with.2s). Mine was only $124 when I got it though- for the $180CAD they sell for now I would rather a Kraken as well.

Your review seems spot on to me- well done. Killer paintjob too The one here has been given a grass cam that looks sweet

Last edited by MillerBRo; May 9th, 2009 at 13:10..
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