Originally Posted by airsoftnoob34
I did a little research and found a website that will put in a m120 spring, aluminum piston head, and shims (whatever that is) for $68 dollars. Is that a reasonable price. They said it would increase the FPS from 330-3360 to 3370-400. Is the FPS also reasonable. ( someone already said that 400 FPS was pushing it so I just wanted to make sure the upgrade was for real)
400 isn't pushing it for capabilities, it's pushing it for game limits. FPS that high isn't necessary. 400 is a
limit, not a goal.
And seriously, if you really have no idea about this stuff, you probably shouldn't be upgrading your AEG at all. You'd be much better off with a tightbore and reshimming than you will will higher FPS.
A little saying we have is "Don't upgrade your gun until you know what it needs." Ie, if you have to ask what to upgrade, you shouldn't be upgrading.