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Old March 22nd, 2009, 05:10   #30
Swatt Six-Four
Formally SwattMedic
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Regina, SK
I won't bash the clones, due to the fact I have seen/handled many and they work fine. However when it comes to constant reliability, rock solid preformance it's TM all the way. The m14 hop-up unit is my absolute favorite. I have owned a PTW, tm famas,tm m4, tm M14......the list goes on and I have had to work on my teams guns tons. The clones arn't evil but they do require extra attention espicially when first purchased. TM are harder to get in Canada and at a higher price tag. Also if your planing on upgrading all the internals anyway I can see the lure of a cheaper gun. So to my mind it's price that would be the achillies heel for TM

"Pain is just a symptom of weakness leaving the body"
-Herb Ferh
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