i think buyairsoft is selling the lower end product of G&G
Originally Posted by kenc
No they are NOT the same guns.
Guay Guay Tradings Co Ltd in Taiwan produces THREE lines of AEG's.
Top = Top Tech
Medium = G&G
Low = Combat Machine
The ones from BUY AIRSOFT are not regular G&G full metal guns. They are built with lower grade (cheaper cost) metal (Zinc and Magnesium), and have the Combat Machine trade mark.
The ones carried by 007 Airsoft all have C8 trade marks, plus they are built with PROPER material (Aluminum). Our G&G guns are called G&G products.
Where as the BUY AIRSOFT guns sare actually "combat machine" products.(lower line of guns manufactured by Guay Guay Taiwan)
Fps fluctuates between 335 to 360 fps. I quoted the lowest on my website, they quoted the highest.