Originally Posted by Jimski
good, my rds too and it's only 140$ cheaper.
seriously I'm not saying you're a bad person for having a EOTech!
I just find it dumbly expensive for what it is.
are you crazy? they are the most beautiful thing on earth right after myself 
Maybe, but my $140 got me something that my target acquisition time has gotten better over any RDS I used before

. And it does have a certain look appeal to it that satisfies my wish for far less the cost of a real one. I can't justify spending $500 on the real one simply by saying I can throw it against a concrete wall, if the device I intend to put it on is not designed to be thrown against a concrete wall. Now if I were to argue I could take it off my airsoft AR and drop it on any one of my real steel rifles, then maybe. But when I buy an optic for my real steel, it will be a product designed for the real steel, but I don't need to drop that much dough on a toy gun

The AUG is ugly, but that doesn't make it an in-effective weapon... but admit it, its the Pug of the gun world!
"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the '
Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster
Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!