I think it's been well explained. There are no 'good' starter guns under 200. A GOOD starter gun is one that will shoot reliably and accurately without needing to tear into it to mod or repair. You CAN get guns under $200, but they're not noob friendly. In the hands of someone with AEG repair / upgrade experience, these can actually be turned into decent guns for the money. You can tear into it, reshim it properly, regrease the gears, and possibly change a couple of parts like the hopup. However, this is beyond the scope of what a total noob can do. So I stand by the replies that there are no good starter guns in that price range.
IMO, unless you're willing to spend the $300-ish to get a Jing Gong, where you have a fairly good chance of your gun lasting and performing well. This isn't a guarantee, but out of all the Chinese clones, JG / Echo 1 have proven themselves to be the cream of the crop. There are still a few lemons occasionally, but generally speaking, they're good guns. Other low end Chinese clone guns (especially in the < $200 range) should be avoided by anyone looking for a good performer out of the box.