Thread: Accuracy
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Old February 1st, 2009, 14:56   #17
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Originally Posted by Wolf13 View Post
would increasing fps increace accuracy and range? cuz i could always go with a bigger spring, and I only want to fix this cuz in scenerio games im getting out ranged buy CA p90s, M4's and even an Echo 1 AK-47
Velocity has little to do with range and accuracy. My lowest velocity gun (Real Sword Type 56) shoots 310 with .2, and I've hit targets out past 175 consistently.

If you're getting outranged by those guns, I would also recommend you change the hopup rubber. That will far more of an effect on your range and accuracy than a stronger spring. Also, make sure that your hopup is set right. I've seen a couple of guns where the owner has complained of poor range where it was just the hopup that wasn't set correctly.
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