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Old January 29th, 2009, 14:58   #22
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Toronto, St. Clair West
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Western Arms are also top of the line. However, their guns are easily damages using propane, so unless you have one of their models that have metal slides available, you're stuck using duster which leaves them in the 220-240 fps range. And to me, that's rather slow. While velocity shouldn't be the determining factor in which gun to get, I do feel that they're too slow to be really competitive as gaming guns even though their accuracy and reliability surpass almost every other GBB on the market.
Your half right. Original Magna to SCW2's were
made with fragile slides and single stack frames,
(made for looks not durability) but this is far from
the case with the few SCW3's I've had my hands
on. SCW3 WA 1911a1's I fixed have the strongest
abs slides I've ever seen. WA also re-released the
Magna SV's with hybrid internals for ISPC/Airsoft
IPSC shooters. These stock Hicaps shoot around
330–350fps with a bigger kick than any other guns
I've tried from other makers.

Personally I only run WA's, cause I find the stock
internals well built/reliable and accurate. But it's
also difficult to find the parts you need when
upgrading, so if I had no WA's to choose from, TM
would be the obvious choice for a close 2nd. IMO
All the rest can go in the trash bin, I've tried them all

Saint is right— what might be right for you might
not be right for some, and there you have the
facts of life.
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