Originally Posted by takealap
The answer is "almost."
The WA plug (that's a recoil spring plug, not a bushing) does fit in the WE, but it's slightly smaller (~ 0.5mm), so I'm not 100% how well it would sit. The old MGC plugs are actually an exact fit (but I doubt you could find one today). The WE recoil spring guides also just 'sit there', and the WA does fit.
However, even if it all fits correctly, that plug is meant to be used without a barrel bushing. Since the 1911s come with a straight barrel, you need the bushing to stabilize it. Otherwise you'd need to switch to a bull barrel (the ones with a cone-shaped muzzle) as well. Not sure which, if any, would fit the WE 1911.
Originally Posted by The Saint
WE can't take parts meant for Western Arms.
Actually, the Western Arms bushings fit perfectly in WEs.