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Old January 11th, 2009, 11:50   #10
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Location: Downtown Montreal
Hi ! I have one of those ICS L85A2, it's one of the best L85 gun. It is way better than STAR and G&G. ICS usually do a split mechbox but on the L85, ICS actually like do copy it from the STAR, the spring is easily to change like 10 second and also it took me only anothe 10 second to take out the mechbox from the body.

You don't need any tool to disassemble this gun, it has only two pin hold the upper and lower receiver together basically you just need to push two pin which is identify like the pin the AR then it's done to disassemble it.

For the battery storage is capable to store large 8.4 v and it does fit properly without modify. The battery is store at the hard guard.

There are still more thing to describe like the trigger respond and etc... but right now, I don't have time so that's all I can tell.

I hope it help you.

For more information, you can check out on the ICS website.

Originally Posted by Darklen View Post
If you are looking for L85 guns, all there is available are electric models from STAR (now Aries), ICS and G&G. To my knowledge, all of these are only available with black recievers, which are restricted, so finding one from the online retailers will be difficult at best. They all have their pros and cons. I only have personal experience with the STAR L85 and it's a pretty nice piece of kit, though finding the proper battery is tough due to the size & shape. G&G were selling replacement parts for their L85 before it was even released but later models appear to have their problems fixed. I don't know if there are any ICS L85 in Canada, but if there are I hope the owners post here of their experiences.

Your best bet to finding one has been listed above.

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