by the way i like your hcoice of the g3 :P
As for aggression in Airsoft, how DOES it compare to PB? I understand a full tilt speedball run into automatic fire is just plain speedball, but can you still do some full on sprints to better cover, slide in and lay waste to the guys side?
As well, I notice there is a a fiar bit of hate towards paintball and the perception that were all bone-headed and overly aggressive guys who trip and hit our heads while rushing other players. I assure you there are plenty of us (inlcuding myself) who strive to be good but at the same time very friendly. As for speedballers, most of our fridnight 'bigboys' have converted to pumps. plz tell me that that isnt the opposite of a crutch lol.
Last edited by MattG666; January 7th, 2009 at 18:24..