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Old January 2nd, 2009, 21:56   #691
Primo Italiano
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Italy
Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
He's an Australian Contractor being employed by the CF. Uniforms get supplied to certain people who are employed by the CF over there.

Point_Man, that's a good go, stay safe out there.

Other people get shit on too for wearing stolen kit aswell McTaz.. plus you were wearing an issue uniform, tac vest, small pack, etc That stuff should never have been leaked out from whatever Supply Depot an made it to your hands in Itay. There's ongoing investigations right now on the stolen CF kit an where it ended up, etc.
Hi MikeL, i don't understand your reply (please use rigth english lenguage or traslate program can't traslate good this).

I have some question for you.

If al canadian GI items are stolen items why people can buy this on surplus shop?....... items sold on shops are stolen items too or not? (surprise for you, in this summer i came in your country and i find more surplus shop that sold items that you classify like stolen..... uniform, boonie, gloves, helmet, vest, boots etc.. etc... and now i need to know if this items are stolen items or not?)

Other question, why i see more photos of airsoft players that use GI items and you don' report this on canadian army forum like make with me or why you don't said here that this are stolen items?........

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