Originally Posted by Capt.erHead
I have been to HK a number of times and have gone to the airsoft stores there, including Redwolf's warehouse. Redwolf doesn't even bother with the Asian market or local retail because Redwolf's prices are 20-40% over RETAIL. I can see how a $193 gun could in fact be the same as the Redwolf gun that they retail for $400.
Redwolf $432 U.S.
http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...GR16R4C_cat_GG AEGs
WGC $388 U.S.
Uncompany $432 U.S.
So, how these the same as a $193 (or less in the case of CAS) G&G? I used this as a comparison of model price differences as all 3 retailers had this one listed.
Wow, just, wow!!
Age verifier Northern Alberta
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.
Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.
Never confuse freedom with democracy.