Thread: P226 Grips?
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Old December 30th, 2008, 13:39   #12
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: oshawa
Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Don't remember much beyond it was ordered from Brownell. I think it was an original SIG part, for a P229, though people have also done it with P226. CBSA actually checked the hammer spring housing and cleared it.

By using a real, lightly modified SIG hammer spring housing, you can cut the amount of Dremmeling required by 90%. There's a writeup on this over at Arnies, I'd have to look for the link. I think it was by a fellow named Romulus.
the only part that is considered the firearm is the frame or lower receiver and in some case's the slide so part's such as grips and apparently the spring housing as well which is why you can buy accessories like rail's grips and stocks for air soft guns which are mostly all exactly compatible with real steal versions.

keep in mind though some items require a permit to export it's best to allways check with someone who knows the us export laws
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