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Old December 23rd, 2008, 10:39   #1
The Chad
formerly LoveMyStubby
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: SW ON
What can I bring over

I have read both the Firearms act and the Criminal code and am going insane.

I have 3 AEGs and 2 Gas pistols.

I only plan to bring one home from overseas. I am currently in one of the greatest airsoft countries in the world and am addicted to the sport. I love CQC scenarios such as Capture the bunker and VIP. I plan to play in Durham when i return.

I plan on declaring it at the border to avoid serious reprocussions.

Is this noticably a toy gun?????? I was assured that there is no factual gun in existance. What should i do? I understand that some undisclosed locations in canada are using the new Canadian developed screening device that allows NOTHING dangerous through. I just want my stubby killer

I have attached a picture, can someone please give me some advice??

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