G36 low fps problem
After a friend showed me how a mechbox works and how to take it apart, i decided it was time to do my first upgrade on my jg g36c.
Inside i have a
Pdi 140% spring
Modify parts:
Type 1 Enhanced ported cylinder
Stock cylinder head with sorbo pad
POM Air Seal Nozzle
Polycarbonate Piston
Polycarbonate Piston Head with bearing
steel bushings
tappet plate
Bearing spring guide
Promothius hop up rubber.
and also a madbul 363 6.03 tighbore
The gun cycles perfectly, however the fps is less than 290, it does not puncture the side of a canada dry can, and the range is very bad.
What could i have done wrong? Could it be the gear timing?
EDIT: their was no problem, i was using 25's, my friend mixed up my ammo supply:banghead:
Last edited by Morra; December 26th, 2008 at 22:36..
Reason: im an idiot