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Old December 5th, 2008, 01:03   #8
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Alberta, Earth
Having just gone through this experience putting a Madbull RAS on a G&P body...all I can say is don't. As from the horses mouths:
WGC - G&P bodies only take G&P front ends
Redwolf: A G&P body requires modification to fit any other front end

My experience, don't waste your money on the Madbull rethreader. Complete, yes, complete, waste of money. I tried for hours to get the threader to work, wouldn't work at all. Yes I did it the right way. Went to Home Depot, bought a precision file set for $3. I used the triangle file to clean the threads. After 15 minutes of evenly filing all of the threads, wallah...Madbull ras fits perfectly.
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