Originally Posted by T_A_N_K
Regardless, the way you have presented yourself you look like, correction are a immature asshole. Maybe if you took a mature stance on the matter instead of calling people full of shit and resort to name calling people would be more sympathetic. The packaging of the product speaks enough for the shipper, it screams I don't give two shits about you now that I have your money.
Given his actions does he deserve any better? A group fuck you to all the people he just sold to an he does not give a shit at all.
You give me any good reason to be polite to a lying low level sack of filth as such?
UZIGUY, your personal details and this incident will be passed along to the major firearm forums.
I'm sure people there will know who you are, let them all know just what kinda person you are so they can all NEVER do any business with you.
Hope it was worth the $50.