Has anyone ever had a complaint that the BB's fired from your AEG doesn't sound right as it's whizzing past someone's head?
Seems a few people at the last game I was at complained because the "whizzing" noise of the BB's from my AEG didn't sound like everyone else's.
I was running a simple KWA M4A1 with an 11.1V Lipo. The only things done to the M4 were a modify gear set to replace the stock gear set because it blew due to the lipo, a new madbull piston due to the same reason, and then it was reshimmed. This thing doesn't even have a tightbore barrel. Above all that I was running Excel .25g BB's....
I guess they figure that since my "noise" was different that I must be running 500fps or more... my Well L96 was hitting at 450fps....
This gun sounds like a keeper if it can scare players just by the whizzing sound! The only thing I can think of is the lipo pumping out 30 bbs a second compared to the other guns on why the sound would be different.