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Old September 21st, 2008, 21:14   #1
youonlywish's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Brantford, ON.
M14 feeds first BB, nothing more.

Hey folks.
Let me run through the problem here.

UTG M14. plastic Mags, an old battery.

The gun feeds and fires the first BB when a FULL mag is loaded, nothing more FIRES though the gun makes all the normal noises, as though it were firing. The gun will fire every round if i hold it upside down and load one at a time. When I unload the mag, 5-6 BB's fall out, loose, as normal.

The gun fires only on auto, regardless of it's selector position, but that's a separate issue. I've been meaning to do that mod where you remove that white brace to make it semi-only... but then this came up.

Is there any way to, perhaps, tighten a mag spring, to force the BB's up quicker?

The Devil's Bench - Gaming Cafe, Brantford, ON.
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