Hello ASC, my name is Jordan and I think it's about time I introduced myself.
I've been into airsoft for about a year now, and I'm patiently waiting to turn 18 on April 29. I've been browsing this site and reading posts ever since I started researching airsoft, however I had only created an account a couple months ago.
Even though the whole 18+ rule for this site (and pretty much any place in Canada) has prevented me from getting a good AEG so far, I highly respect the rule and I understand completely why it is in place. The last thing I would want is some 12 year old ruining the whole sport for everyone, including me. Besides, I can wait 7 more months.
Well anyways, it was nice to say hello and I hope to get to know some of you much better during this spring/summer when I turn 18, get a gun, and go to some games.