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Old September 9th, 2008, 10:53   #1
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Sniper Scope Video Camera

A video I made by attaching a camera to my sniper scope. Turned out quite well actually:

YouTube - - Sniper Scope Camera


This was taken during a game between GHOSTS (my team) TeamZero (korean), and Team Falcon(Korean). Bolt action sniper rifles were disallowed in the larger game so I only took scopecam videos in one smaller game. The location is awesome, you can see it better in this video: YouTube - - Ghosts vs. Team Zero . It's an old Korean army training site, there are steel cutouts of North Korean soldiers and tanks everywhere. Team Zero has been playing there for 11 years. The smokin' young lady there in the second video has been playing since she was a kid.

GUN: JG BAR10 (Tasco 3~9X40 Scope)
MOUNT: Detachable camera mount made with an old tripod
LOCATION: Incheon, S Korea

There are more airsoft videos in my youtube channel:
My team page is:
If you are ever in Korea and want to play we are out every Sunday. Just give us a shout on the site.
Airsoft Life

Last edited by ackme; September 9th, 2008 at 11:32..
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