Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers
time to clear something up before the angry side of me wakes up
Bwah haha haha haha haha haha.
Anyways, before I bust out into another retarded fit of laughter.
Whats up everyones ass this morning? The OP has been polite and respectable for the most part and all he has been met with hostility. Do you people really think he's going to listen to you and not work with airsoft or buy airsoft related things? People will do what they want to do and if they really care to do it they will do it whether or not we like it. The best we can do is educated and guide to the best of our ability, so that he has the best understanding possible as to why things are the way they are and perhaps even come to listen to our recommendations. ASC has had it share of underagers and given a chance they have learned and grown and become age verified to be stand up members of the airsoft community. When you leap down the throat of a new user in such a manner like some of you do, it puts them in a very defensive position and they become unwilling to listen.
Now before anymore of ASC's peanut gallery wakes up to chime in their 2 cents, Im requesting lock and trash.